Expanded Lifeforms, 2020's development

anything for hive minds yet?

Sadly, there is no hivemind oriented content.
Maybe later, but for now i have no clear idea for specific content for this ethic/government type.

With recent Covid events and some stressful by-products, Development of this mod is reaching it’s end. There will be a bit more content more than likely, but my efforts will be focussed on a game project for the most part.

Thank you very much for enjoying my mod. It was a pleasure to have so many people enjoying one of my many attemps at modding a game i like :smiley:

We will pull through this plague changed for the better.

so to make sure your not “finishing” the mod just putting it down for know to work on something else?

i do want to add some content. It will be a low tide while i take this time mostly for myself. I still want to at least provide what i wanted to have in. The weight gain event i had almost suceeded and some remaining Etotwe content would be bare minimum.

This will put a halt on stuff until i feel fit to write narrative again.

I forgot to share the news here, but i am passing ownership of the mod to two other person. Instead of leaving the mod stagnant for who knows how long, the mod itself will take a new route for its development.

The original mod will still be accessible on the steam workshop, but new content will only occur on the newer version, of which i will provide a link once available.

thank you for you understanding :smiley:


well thank you for making as much as you have

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is the mod still safe to use?

If you’re talking in terms of starting a new game with it, yes, it’s safe.

yep thats what I ment thanks

So the mod still works?? I was trying to run it on steam yesterday and wasn’t able to set the game to the same version as the mod. Anyone have the means to do what I couldn’t??

I think you can run it no matter the version. the idea is it may not Work right since it was for a older version.

Maybe I just don’t know how to do the narrative thing that’s talked about in the mod

one thought is longer time before the events happen. I got one right off the bat didn’t even work with says 12 star systems I just started.

ok so some game destion if I am correct. how do I build a testing facility or Genetic manipulation and collection plant if they come from this mod anyway?

If you mean the bioresearcher stuff, you need the Megacorp DLC and to select Megacorp rule and opportunistic bioresearcher civic.

what version is the best to play it on?

ahhhh thats why I don’t have it I don’t currently own the megacrop DLC thanks

Sorry for the lack of activity when everyone was asking question, i haven’t logged on in a while.

Currently, so far, the newer version still isn’t available for public. In the mean while, someone was working on their own independent addon for the legacy version of the mod.

The mod itself is still working, if not with some faulty behaviors content-wise. Once either comes online, i will have to move my butt and spread the info.

Have a lovely day!

if its not against site policy what kind of features are planned? I recall not much was avalible for hive and machine empires