Expanded Lifeforms, 2020's development

its it wrong I can see a robot type that uses organics as Biobatteries like matrxe but fatter batteries make better fuel? but istend of traits for said oranics and you can just set them to impobile it something that progresses with large “sizes” immoble just means to big to move under their own power not full on blob of fat
note I don’t say its a consume them for fuel the fat is used the organics is more like both storage and proccesing for the fuel.

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it aint wrong, everyone got views and ideas.

:smiley: the concept itself would need a bit of work from the various system to be made into something that make sense in game, but people could technically make it. Be aware that a machine empire might have trouble adding a negative traits if they have access to genetic modifications.

A truly machine empire might need a tad more events for such a concept.

Won’t be me who will do it, but i do feel like this is possible :slight_smile:
Maybe you might be able to get into modding too. Maybe not now, but we never know.

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yeah that was a misstype I had ment to say the whole battery thing would NOT be linked to the traits since that would be a easy exploit

9s there a way to update this to the latest version? cuz this seems very interesting to play

The mod still work in the current version of stellaris. At most, the balance might be off. I no longer maintain the mod myself, leaving the work to the other people who wants to make addons for it.

So, enjoy! There is a whole mod playable for you right now. If not a tad dated.

I know you mean this project is over but every time it is brought up these responses always sounds like there is actually another group actively working on it who is just unknown to the rest of us

There are, or at least were, several people making their own addons and extensions to the mod (briefly including myself). There’s a discord link at the top of the thread.

So how do I play with this mod cuz I’m not seeing any of the modded stuff

For those of you who don’t have Stellaris, Prime Gaming is offering it for free on GOG, but this also means that you cant use the mod, as its only on the steam workshop for now.

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how to make species feedees