Fantasy Formula : Act 2 (Breast Expansion, Weight Gain)

I’ve just released Act 2 of my game Fantasy Formula on my Patreon!

I wanted to show it off for those of you who have played Act 1!

Act 2 is now open for free download on!

It adds 4+ hours of content, s3x scenes, weight gain, breast expansion, and a lot more all with custom sound design and over 230 hand drawn images!
It was a journey getting here with many long nights lol, but I’m happy to finally announce the release of Part 2 out of 5 to Fantasy Formula!


Excited to try this out! Can’t wait to see how the weight gain works. Although question, if you pay the $2 on Itch is that for the full game or just for Act 2?

Wait so like… is this the full game now or how many acts are there?

Right now it’s just Act 2 that has been released, so $2 will have Act 1 and 2 put together!

If you buy it off of Itch it only works for Mac computers right now because I need Itch to approve my request for more file upload space :<

If you would rather play for free though then after 2 weeks it’ll be listed for free download! :smiley:


Only Act 1 and 2 are done right now, there are 5 Acts planned for the entire game, so it is not the full game just yet! But I’m hard at work on it daily! :smiley:

With the current content though, it’s over 6 hours long if you casually read, and about 4 hours if you try to speedrun it :stuck_out_tongue:



Will we see an android version of this or will it remain windows mac and linux exclusive ik there’s restrictions when developing games on android :slight_smile:

I’m trying to figure out how to do it on Android but whenever I ask somebody to help me figure it out with them they ghost me :smiling_face_with_tear:

I have a theory that could make it work but I don’t have an Android so I can’t test it :<

Act 2 is now listed for free download on!


Love the art style and dialogue. Scarlett is incredibly hot. How much weight gain is there currently and how much are you planning to add in the future?


I intend to dedicate an entire section of the game to weight gain! But Chloe will be getting bigger with each released Act over the course of the game! As well as some characters that haven’t been revealed yet!