Long time lurker here with little to no experience coding n such. For a while now I’ve been eyeing this site and wondering if there would ever be something involving avali’s, and so far I haven’t seen anything shockingly. So for the past year I’ve been brewing over an idea for a game revolving about Avalis getting fat, and I think its about time I get to work on it and I hope making this topic post will motivate me to actually work on it.
General Idea:
The gameplay loop is a rougelite of sorts, go out to these different areas and collect food, come back to the base and get money, which can be used to get upgrades to progress farther into the game etc. As your character gets bigger, you unlock new harder areas, but you also need to manage your weight or be greedy, theres benefits to both ways of play.
There is a sort of story to it too, nothing too lore intensive just a reason for why you’re doing this and what not.
Main Challenges:
Well for one, I am not experienced with coding but I’ve been wanting to learn for a while now. This will make development slow if anything.
Game with be pixel art styled, and I am not well acquainted with doing pixel art so art may look a bit janky.
Myself. I worry I may drop or lose interest in this but here’s a post hoping I don’t.
Thanks for reading, or at least looking at this. Hopefully some point in the future I can have a demo up or at least show some progress in the coming days.
Making some progress here and there, of course mainly just getting the movement n such working.
I’m hoping by the end of this month to at least have the starting camp of sorts done, the main hub of the game with shops and your house. I’ll share some pics n stuff as I go.
I would like to share another small tidbit about how the game will play out.
You of course need to go to areas to get food for your Avali tribe, and there’s different areas you can go to, each with different effects and stats needed. Some areas are very cold, and some have a lot of enemies, and what’s the best way to deal with cold? Get fat of course! But getting fat will come with the penalty of moving slower…which might not sound too bad but there will be timers in each level before a blizzard comes, and if you don’t make it back in time, game over.
After putting it off, and being busy with irl stuff and what not, I’ve realized I should probably not have my first ever game project be so ambitious, especially with no experience…But! that doesn’t mean this whole idea is scrapped. My new idea is to make a prototype, movement, gameplay wise etc, mess around and see what I want before jumping in the deep end and being overwhelmed by everything there is.
So I shall work on some prototypes of sorts for some time to figure out what I want and how to make it good! I’d rather make a good game and actually have it be finished than make a small version of it with no content and just leave it as is.
Putting off the project to work on smaller projects so I can actually learn coding first before jumping in the deep end.