I released a version of fat Spyro modification for game called “Spyro reignited trilogy”. If you are interested you can download this mod there — Spyro fat v1 by coldsteelj on DeviantArt
Unreal viewer can extract any model from the game. You can change every character in the game. I don’t know any ways to add more bones. You can use physics on existing bones.
I don’t know how to answer you of how difficult it was. If you know how to work in Unreal engine this wouldn’t be difficult for you.
Edit: I am not sure if you can add physics on existing bones. In some of my tests it worked, but now it doesn’t work.
Hi, I was faffing about on google image search looking for mods and I found this page. But I also found images of a different mod. Naturally it was just a bunch of unfunny unsourced meme images but I eventually found the guy’s twitter account of where the images came from.
After a but more digging on the twitter I found this other mod: https://gamebanana.com/skins/172956
So anyway here you are, I know how annoying it is when people post stuff and never share where they got it from.