Fattening Career - 3D weight gain visual novel (0.09 released for FREE!)

maybe charisma could be used to unlock the other girls like with Katrine, so to unlock bonnie you would need a high enough like katrine to have the courage to talk to her in the diner.

also hopefully we will start to see the librarian grow fatter soon, with how often she’s at bunny’s bites you would think she would grow fatter. Her story could tie into the books, so as you unlock more sweeter recipe books or secret fattening books you would ask her to research for them to unlock them and this would trigger her growth as she would clearly “read” the book and pick up new fattening habits from those books. She could then text the player that she has found the requested book and that would trigger her story progression and fatter size and maybe sex scenes. If she’s not going to be a major part of the game’s plot then her progression could be much faster in her gains


Personally I think charisma as an artificial gate keeping you from starting content like that is not a great idea. I don’t really see the purpose. Same goes for Katrine to be honest. But if charisma was needed for some dialogue choice options to alter dialogue or extend part of a repeatable scene I don’t think that would be too bad of an idea. That way it’s not an artificial barrier to start routes or content but just an additional way to alter a scene, similar to the strength requirements for the Katrine lift scenes in the current version of the gym.


My point for charisma being a “artificial gate” would to give it a reason to still be in the game. So unless I’m miss interpenetrating your comment you seem to be in the camp of charisma being needed to unlock Katrine is waste of effort. I think charisma can be used to help gate character’s, after replaying 0.5 again you have less character’s to manage and fatten if you don’t watch the live-streams as that’s one less character to call you after classes which give the player more time to either work and fatten up other characters including the waitresses or to read books to open more restaurant options. If you don’t have high enough charisma to talk to katrine then thats one less to manage at the start of a game.


There doesn’t need to be any gate to start content for the girls in game in my opinion. For me if there was a certain charisma requirement for any girl I would just farm out charisma until I had each girl unlocked before doing anything else. So, it just feels like a needless barrier. But how I play is likely different from you or others, I understand. I like having each girl active at the same time and trying to keep them relatively even in stages.

If you want to focus on less girls or one at a time I can understand wanting something in game to help facilitate that, but I think something other than charisma locking girls should be the solution there in my opinion.

In my mind if you don’t want to see a certain girl you don’t have to. You can simply ignore or turn down any dates or don’t do their content and use that time for something else. Reading can be done inside and outside of class and money isn’t any big issue in the game as you are likely working most of the time.

It sounds like having a way to completely ignore certain girls or aspects of the game (even temporarily) is what you are looking for but I don’t know.


Hi, I just found this game a few minutes ago and I’m really excited to play it, but I was wondering if there is a website besides mega from where I can download the free version? I can’t download it from mega because of the MB limit, and since the game is 4 gb. Help please :,)


U should be able to downolad but it take some time to do so, sorry not much i can do


What operating system are you on?

If you are using windows or an emulator for windows this should work.

I am assuming you’re on mobile though so not sure if that will help you (since I think the limit is still under 500mb and as small as 1.3mb on iOS). If you aren’t though you can always look into setting up the mega desktop app and making an account these things help by pass the limits up to 5gb for free accounts.

@Bladerune9 plans on hosting the next publicly available version on itch I believe so worst case might need to wait a bit.


Hi, I’m on windows, thank you =)!


Speaking of hot damn incredible sizes in this wonderful game, is immobility somewhere in the plans for the future?


@Krodmandoon @GrimRyu
Good arguments for both sides, next update will rework the strength stat quite a bit.
While not the same as charisma, it does show what I intend these stats to do.
There will differences in images/dialogue when your character gets stronger.

As long as their models still look alright I can add immobility in the game. But this is still ways off and I’ll probably make it optional.


Is pregnancy a possibility ? Even just for a side character

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Yes, @Bladerune9 has stated this is likely something to eventually happen.


This game was already good now It sounds even better. It’s really hard to find a VN with niche fetishes like these


So I’ve just noticed this screenshot on Itch

Is this already in the game?

I only ask because I don’t remember seeing it come up.

Also how far does this section with the two characters go?

Asking mainly as I know some events are a little buggy if you use a save from an older version so I’m wondering if it’s worth me starting a full new save yet or if it’s only the very start of something so I should wait until a future update to bother?


That just one scene with them, probably something to tease what’s coming in the next updates. But seeing bladerune messages there won’t be more scenes with those girls, atleast in .6

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Enough is added/changed in each new version that if you don’t restart from scratch you’re likely to encounter problems. I would always just start over.


Hell to the fucking yes my man I am SO ready for this. I don’t care how far into the future it is, if it comes with Strength-Stat checks and replayable feeding scenes then I’ll buy 3 copies.

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The update of 0.05 is really exciting!
But I’ve always wanted to know if it’s possible to incorporate more lifestyle elements into the interaction with girls
I mean, like rubbing the stomach, stroking the stomach, patting the buttocks, or requesting a girl to use her buttocks to press herself under her body?
I don’t know if it can be added to the next update of the game?


I missed this myself, and in case anyone is interested, the Forks dev said this:


The next update for Fattening Career will release this Sunday on Patreon.
There have been some changes to the included content, this update will focus only on Katrine and Trista their stories.