Can I get a hint about how to use the reward for the dog collar quest?
The only one I’ve found was a scene with Phoebe at your apartment if you’ve recruited her. She’ll ‘cook’ something for you.
You’ll take infinite damage and get a game over. I’m guessing cause she’s a bad cook and all she had to do was boil water and failed.
Cook the Insta-meal with Phoebe and give it to someone else. You yourself are allergic to Insta-meals after all!
Also @herokero I finally managed to glut my way to level 30 but the tablet doesn’t work! Wat do?
The map patch should have fixed that… Hmm.
Sadly not. I’m running all five files but to no avail.
Just to be SUPER clear it’s the tablet in the player’s room, not the one by the door.
I just tested it myself and it worked on my end…
But currently slapping together a new version with conditional portraits for the party chat, which I can’t believe I forgot.
Maybe it’s just some weird map integration thing I misunderstood.
I can confirm it doesn’t work for me either.
Also I checked in the game files a bit and there seem to be a lot more sizes than what I’ve managed to see by leveling up everyone to 40.
Is that intended?
Btw I really enjoyed the game so far, really interesting and fleshed out already with very cute dialogues, especially for Jamie, which has already grown on me (literally).
Can’t wait to see and play more of it. Thanks for making such a cool game :3
Yeah, there’s two more size classes for several characters that I didn’t get around to integrating 'cuz they needed tweaking, and also because, well… it’ll make the next update more enjoyable when you finally have access to them, I guess?
I’m taking pages out of the AAA-game playbook, lol.
But really, they’re just in for testing purposes. Didn’t mean to get anyone’s hopes up
And I’m glad you like it, and especially glad you liked Jamie, 'cuz I definitely feel she’ll be the more unpopular one.
i just realized that i haven’t seen anyone mention about the tablet in the room for when the mc reaches 30 to get an reward i tried to interact with it but nothing happens
Eh, somebody’s gonna take the prize for Least Popular. It’s just the way it goes.
On the topic of characters, I do find it interesting how the party composition has these hard-coded decision built into it, wherein certain characters won’t mix. It makes the player decisions as to who to go for and the subsequent party “builds” an interesting choice to explore without it being so open-ended that you end up collecting all the characters and not using them.
That the game has made these purposeful decisions when creating the specific team builds, it signals to the player that each party build is worth exploring and will have its own merits and playstyle in combat. A definite thumbs up from me on that decision!
My hope in the future is that we can freely switch out the pairs of characters (for example, swapping out Phoebe for Jamie and vice-versa) as the player sees fit.
Level 30 it says touch the tablet and it will do something but it wont do anything for me?
literally same I even went to 31 to see if digesting regularly would do it but nope didn’t do anything
I think I’ve found a bug regarding the NPCs that need a loud noise to distract them in the town: it seems once Rumia hits the ‘Fatty’ status it only plays the dialogue and doesn’t end up grabbing the NPC. It worked as intended for the earlier two weight stages.
gah, and I JUST posted a patched version of the game! FIGURES
Assuming you mean from ver 0.3 to a 0.4, et cetra… 0.3 took me like two months and change? A lot of that was systemic stuff and experimentation and planning.
Future content updates won’t require as much of that, which is good… Problem is, that leaves actual content as the primary thing to work on, which is just as labor-intensive, if not more?
So it’s kinda hard to tell. I could prob put out more piecemeal updates, but that’d require a much more fragmented map/event design. So… I don’t know, exactly.
If somehow you meant 0.2 - 0.3 tho, then do I have some good news!
Ironically, exercise is my coping mechanism.
Additionally, while poking around and testing stuff, I realized that I hadn’t dummied out a sprite set and (beta beta) portrait that kicked in at level 25. Don’t know if anyone saw that, but that’s out for now.
I meant 0.3 to 0.4, but I understand. I’m a software developer by trade so I get it.
I got Bella & Rumia up to level 30 and no size update happened…… I understand that there might not be another size for Rumia but I don’t think Bella expanded once since I got her.
Do Bella and Nanette just need to be higher to grow?