Hmm. My attempt to make an alt-currency shop without plugins continues to thwart me…
one sec.
I have a solution
I’ve checked out previous versions of your game, and it seems like you track the item that is mercy points separately from how much mercy points currency you have.
I’d recommend creating a variable check for how many mercy points you have, and if you have that amount or more, your points get substracted.
Alright, I think I fixed the mercy shop. But because the fairy’s not a common event, there are three maps to download -_-
I was definitely wondering why a similar problem didn’t occur with another check (knock wood), and of course, I ‘variabled’ that one correctly.
I think.
This project is getting bigger and bigger scale. I’d sincerely recommend either
a) getting a team
b)Officially making the development of the game open-source.
Doing anything big is difficult when alone.
If my buffoonery might be permitted, can I ask for a hint regarding one of the items one of Phoebe’s daughters wants?
I found the book pretty readily but I’m wondering what the doll refers to. I checked the doll we use in the quest to get Rumia’s double burger as a hail mary and it was at least respawned back at its original position but it doesn’t seem like I was able to grab and bring it. Have I just gone down the wrong line of thought?
There’s a second doll in the apartment building. North wing iirc
Oh, I’m feeling the difficulty alright.
This is my first stab at a lot of this (including, like, talking to people in this niche --I kept to myself for the most part) so I didn’t really know anyone who could help me out. As it is, it’s not TOO overwhelming yet, though like you said, the scale is only going to increase.
Really, the only thing thus far that’s been a struggle is the hard numbers with respect to combat and all of the associated minutiae (classes, skills, stats, enemies) . If I was of a different mindset I’d just make it a non-combat rpg but I think I’m in too deep at this point lol.
Collaboration and assistance from others is absolutely an avenue I will keep open, should anyone want to throw some help this way
I’ll reinstate Rumia’s betrayal event giving you Rumia’s abilities. Is that fine?
same and i dont know what to do with the maps. I have them downloaded and don’t know what to do at all to be able to use mercy points when i have some bc it won’t let me…
I think the tablet doesn’t work.
I have Diana at lvl 32 and she can’t interact with it.
Is the doll suppose to be the the teddy bear? Because I can’t interact with it.
To “install” the maps, go to the game folder, go to the www folder > data. Then paste the maps there, overwriting the originals.
thank you for the help it works now
hey I just played the full game (the only thing I haven’t done is reach lvl 30 with the main character) and I liked it in general, although I ran into some bugs such as being able to continue obtaining objects that are only supposed to be It could be obtained once, but, in short, one thing that I recommend apart from fixing the bugs, is to improve the images of when a character gains weight, and that when a character speaks that can be seen on the entire screen as you did with Phoebe for example.
Anyway, good game and I hope to see more things in the future
I forgot to have the variable set itself
Somehow the doll changed to ‘below’ sprite… fixed!
I appreciate it, but I went and added the skill transfer for rumia myself; same with rachel, Nan, and Bella.
This and the tablet fix are in the new map002 file, and the doll is in map025. Lol, that’s getting spoiled either way.
I’m really mad I messed that up, 'cuz that means no one’s gotten Phoebe via Rumia…
I’m glad you liked it! And I’d love to have more art in there, but I’m not particularly good at it imo… Phoebe and Bella were kind of flukes.