Fatties Eating Fatties! A Vore-focused, WG RPG -- update 2/1/24, Ver!!! (insert vore joke lol)



Something wicked this way waddles


Looks good. Promising size on Ms. Hulk.


Oooooooooh. Another fatty joins the fray!

Atm where does the current release of this game End? Sorry I am new to this forum a buddy told me about this and I enjoy this game thus far, been playing it until 4 am on a daily ngl.

It kinda ends after you acquire Bella or Nanette, currently…
Although luckily for you, I’m looking to post the next content update sometime tonight!
That said, it won’t be compatible with old saves, afaik


awesome thats cool on my birthday that would be

makes sense, that means more fun bc I love grinding games in general

Uploading: image.jpg…

the new updated one doesn’t work

Never mind it works it just i had to close the other tabs I had

Oh thank god.
On that note,

ugh I finally got this update out, now I can sleep for a month

Permission to create fan patches?

You can’t escape the Combat quirks section without logging out of the game.

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Sees Ver 0.3 update



how’d I miss that? geez

ngl I don’t even know how you go about doing that, haha. But sure, I suppose?

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Fix posted up top, sorry!

RPGM games are composed of json files.

You just need to plop the files in a fresh rpg maker project.

Man, that’s actually some huge amount of work for a 0.3 update, this could be 0.5 or .6, by they way, world awaits.

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I did consider calling it something like that, haha. But I suppose it’s too late now!
Whatever I end up calling ‘0.4’ shouldn’t be as big, but perhaps I’ve established a scary precedent.

I can’t use Mercy Points, even though I have them.