This is a completely subjective take, but I love how much the blonde roommate belches, and how Bella develops a kind of rivalry with her that started because of their burping skills.
The permanent removal of NPCs did rankle me at first but upon consideration it’s actually quite refreshing to essentially go with your gut (hehe) when committing to choices.
It’s too easy to fall into the pattern of wanting to see and do everything in a game, and being locked out of things can feel like a barrier to the full experience. It’s only natural, right? I myself felt that at first, though I’ve come round to the notion that this removal actually adds to the experience.
In a world where anyone (possibly everyone?) can be eaten, NPCs are going to have a different value to the MC. Instead of going through the motions of collecting all your party members (which you can still do) you can decide to eat them instead. It definitely feeds into the notion that the MC is an all-powerful consumer that potentially no-one is safe!
It also shows that actions do have consequences, so something to keep in mind when you are wantonly snacking on NPCs- or don’t and eat them anyway. Also, as herokero states, it also warrants replayability so there’s that angle to consider too.
I think it’s a bold direction that I’ve not seen in a kink game. Divisive as the mechanic will be (you’ll either love it or hate it) you can’t deny that it isn’t novel at least!
The biggest part is it offers replayability.
Especially since certain NPC’s interact differently when certain
party members are present, it offers a host of different situations that
will warrant more playthroughs.
Having a small guide about who does what is helpful, but I do like the fact that
your party is disposable.
The city ain’t big enough for more than one super glutton.
It also addresses the age-old problem with RPGs of when you’ve amassed a sprawling entourage of party members yet stick to the same two or three… Why not just clear your conscience and simply eat the rest? :3
The freedom to do so is liberating. Embrace the gluttony!
completely understandable that such a route can be taken, I just dont think that it will help with much replayability, because who wants to grind through the whole game a second time to see what stage 10 alt member conversations will have, especially since currently xp gains are low, most would probably do replayability in the form of save stating to pick different options mid game, like saving and picking new people before some event where any and all combinations might have a unique way to deal with it.
Since you essentially create your party in the first 15 min of the game, you would then have to grind a ton to get them up to level and then play through the game a whole second time for little pay off, I feel that this is one of those cases where it seems like it will encourage replayability because you need to do a new run to get other content, but the run itself is so slow that it will actually turn off players and create far more one runners then people willing to replay from a certain save point and swap out who they are using to enjoy other parts of the story.
I’m not entirely certain which perspective this supports, but the current “plan” is a party cap of 5, with maybe 12 ladies to recruit ultimately.
Several of these are class redundancies, so you could still get access to a ‘balanced’ team if so desired.
Although I can’t imagine I’ll make combat so difficult as to need balance to begin with
Will going solo be viable then? “Joey doesn’t share food” and all that, haha.
Depends on your definition of viable. The class design is such that the player (and several others) have Swiss army skill sets (though i should probably nerf the self-heal skill), with more specialized skills being locked to certain characters or class/body types. That said, there is a vague “blue mage” implementation, in that eating party members will give you their ‘most unique’ skill, with respect to combat…
That said, these skills are also intended to allow some randos in the overworld to be eaten. The MC, even with those skills, will be unable to use them, and will instead be basically mocked for trying.
As far as balance and progression go, I’m thinking I’ll balance combat for a minimum of a party of two (maaaybe 3?) Theoretically, a solo MC could probably handle that with grinding/safe play. And that’s baked-in to the design… An “MC only” end has been planned from the beginning, although i’m ages away from implementing such a thing.
Please don’t nerf the self-heal, the other digestion ability and healing items are awful, especially when some enemies can hit harder than you can heal for.
And if you’re soloing the MC, being unable to heal as much makes it impossible for her run.
interesting… thanks for the insight.
I’ll admit I’m super removed from being in any sort of balancing mindset, but I vaguely thought the items were slightly more viable. In-combat digestion is mostly bad on purpose though.
Perhaps the game can recognise a solo run by bolstering MC’s innate abilities like her self-heal if there’s only one party member.
Or perhaps as she eats major characters it increases the effectiveness of her skills.
Oh, here we go! This sounds exciting!
Erm… can’t revive fainted party members…
And…Can we really not have both bakery employees at the same time? Wish I’d known that, would have gone for the gutted shortstack over dat ass.
Yeah, I managed to fail implementing some pretty basic things! Like a functioning rez item…
It’s fixed in the current dev build, but OOF. Feel real bad about that one.
And I’m rejiggering some of the recruitment text to better indicate when recruiting someone will lock off someone else.
Don’t be! It’s all part of the learning process.
Least it didn’t crash your game like one event that I won’t name that I may or may not made…
NickSav teasing us like a madlad…
We all know it, it starts with Contest and ends with Hall…
I always found it easier to be without revive items. Just revive the fallen players on death after battle. Like they go hide or something.
yeah so i have a problem where i recruited the roommate and she died in battle but now i cant revive her how do i fix this? (if anybody knows). because the fried stuff designed to revive doesnt work
I neglected to set the rez item correctly. Currently… rebuilding certain parts of the game, along with new content, so I can’t say when a fix/new version will be out. But it is corrected in the current dev build!
Unfortunately, there’s no fixing that currently, other than reloading a save. Sorry!