By chance, do you know if the lady that asks for cooking apples at the Guild is a unique npc? I feel like she’d be a great choice to fatten up what with her affinity for pies.
I believe she is set to have specific parts from the generic female pool, which means I could size her up but it would also affect regular npcs as well. I will probably just end up unleashing the fatty plague on all females in Albion until only whisper is left.
Because editing Whisper sucks.
Remind me, why would that be a bad thing?
I mean, I’d be pretty for this. Are the parts linked to their outfit components? if so you could get variety in body shapes depending on how you size each part
Also, great mod!
Yeah the body type and the clothing type would be linked, so each regular female npc outfit would signal a specific type once sized that way.
If I wanted to make some NPC edits myself how would I go about this? I’m only seeing map related options in the editor.
I use Blender to sculpt my edits on the models. In order to download the models, you would have to look up their packages on the package finder and fully load them. Then, look for the character’s model and right click to export it to a file.
i tried making my character a female character model and it didn’t work after following the guide up above
Download link doesn’t work says it was deleted
I don’t suppose there’s another link for the mod? I’m getting a “File Deleted”, even on the Grey Alt
same, does anyone have the mod folder still if OP isn’t going to reupload it?
My bad gentlemen, I was out fighting Covid-19. As I successfully recovered, I will now set out to restore the missing Link.
no worries broski, good to see you’re well
In case anyone still NEEDS my mod, Link is restored to working order! Download away, my friends.
It seems that this file has been deleted, the main is still available. Whenever you get the chance, could you please add this one back? It would be much appreciated.
Trying to download but Dropbox is refusing the connection. I assume the file is gone. Please reupload or if anyone else in this thread has it please share.
Or atleast upload a couple of pics of what Lady Grey looks like in the original mod file, that’s what I am curious about the most.
Nevermind, I solved it!
If anyone is having problem accessing the dropbox, try the following:
- Press Windows Key + R.
- Type %WinDir%\System32\Drivers\Etc into the Run window and click OK.
- Delete hosts file .
I know it seems super sketchy but it worked fine for me. I didn’t even need to permanently delete anything, just putting the hosts file in your trashcan should allow you to access the files.
Trying to figure out where I left this, sorry about that. It just makes Lady Grey significantly less fat.
Does this work for the game pass version or only for the steam version? Also, does it make all the females fat, or only certain ones?