FC Pregmod Wgmod Update (Oct 2024)

Honestly, unless you employ a bit of cheese its not reasonable to out-compete the problem arcology until ~ week 70 when plot specific events happen. You can still have a fat based arcology, you just won’t get the beauty and reputation bonuses for having fat slaves.

Mind you there are four other society slots by default. I just wouldn’t recommend messing with the racial societies (because the benefits are not worth it) and reproductionism if you are not using the gene mod from the wgmod because being very fat and hyper pregnant at the same time is a gigantic health debuff.

In the early game, focus on your main money makers, the best being either whores or cows, they both have their downsides and work better with different societies. Theres also a really cheesy way to get a lot of money very quickly but its kind of game breaking.

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