Feed The Dragon [version 0.8.2] - development topic

Hello !
This topic will be to share development progress of Feed The Dragon until it reaches 1.0 ! I’ll also try to maintain roadmap info here.
Link to the game :

Current public version : 0.8.0
Current Patreon version : 0.8.2

Feel free to share feedback on the game in this topic as well !

:dart: Here is a condensed overview of long-term planned features :

  • More missions and bosses to encounter through the adventure !
  • New interactive screens with defeated foes !
  • An RPG top down section that will progressively grow and hosts quests, new greedy inhabitants and more with each new chapters of the story.
  • The capacity to build your own defenses and construct entire key buildings.
  • Upgrades for the food launcher with more variety of projectiles and effects !
  • Kink-wise : more gropping, more feeding, optional vore and burping…

… And a lot more

:link: Additional Links :

  • :arrow_forward: If you want to support my work and access exclusive content, you can join my Patreon 🩷
  • :arrow_forward: You can follow me on Twitter for regular updates
  • :arrow_forward: I’ll also post updates on my discord server (and sometimes stream).

I think you did well with the new enemy mechanics, and I like the new art pass. I’m glad you’re fleshing out the game with other elements, though in the mean time my feedback is that the stun that happens when when she gets fed ends up putting too many mechanics in your favour from the start:

-The first issue is that the stun timing and window before you can feed her line up forgivingly enough that you can usually keep her immobile until you run out of ammo.
-The trade between powder and cake being 5 for 7 feels great for the pacing of the gameplay loop compared with the version where it’s 5 for 5, but because of the previous point that’s usually a flat 40% increase in the amount she gets fed as well as the amount of time she spends stunned.
-The cakes seeming to fill her the same amount as the 5 for 5 version also means you can consistently tell that you’re going to fill the bar before she reaches the halfway point, so you never stress about time.
-The fact she ends up being stationary for 40% more time has the added effect that the stone enemies now usually have time to catch up and sometimes overtake her, so you don’t ever end up running low on powder to buy cakes and keep her in more stun loops.

I like the presence of a stun since it feels like each cake has more impact, though I think it should be cut down or at least have tiers (e.g. lasting until the first swallow sound, then second, then until the sigh), maybe unlocked through progression at the upgrade bench or by making them part of the level progression, with the tiers increasing as she gets more full.

I’ll definitely be following the progress on this game, it’s very promising


Thank you very much for your feedback, that’s a very interesting one ! 🩷

I’ll add something like this in the To-do list for polish of the base level for the stun of the dragon

Concerning the difficulty, I’ll try to not make the game much harder for now as some people complain it’s still too hard


yeah it IS still hard, i did beat it when it was 5 for 5, that would be a difficulty of like, a high 7. now it’s more of a mid 6. Still intense, so some beginners will still find it pretty hard. seems like you’re still making good progress, good luck on balancing

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Feels like too many mixed opinions on the game’s difficulty, how about just add a hard mode? No bonuses or extras, just more challenge.

I went back and played the 5 for 5 version and got a pretty similar result. I think the difficulty is mostly to do with getting used to the mechanics. If you leave a gap between each cake then both are pretty difficult, but as soon as you can time your shots to land as soon as the stun ends then the rest of the difficultly disappears. You can also remove most of the need to aim by using the belly bounce.

All in all the game is well balanced, there are just one or two abusable mechanics that end up having ripple effects

with the idea of a town being added, how about a section where previously beaten bosses “hang out” for you to interact with, maybe even stuffing them again for some additional benefits?

players being able to select the difficulty can help greatly. that should probably be added. to add, the lock on should be fixed. for some reason, I shoot the cake at a stupidly high velocity when not aiming, and then when I do, it doesn’t get that velocity. this happens often which makes it more difficult.

know about the velocity, seems more like a bug to me.

The game just got updated on Patreon, so I thought I might share some details here !
It’s still pretty much WIP, but I’m still lowkey working on new content and features :3
New version on Patreon : v0.8.2

Quick overview of main new content added in this update :

  • new slapping interaction with Malika in her defeated interactive screen
  • poking interaction with fairy in overworld
  • Collisions with the ground got reworked for mobs in the main level. Ground sprite collisions got reworked.

The first rough version of the overworld already got added in v0.8.1, and it has only 1 NPC for now : Petallis the fairy. In the long term Her main role will be to give quests and progress the main story… But kinkier events may happen along the way

Full patchnotes are accessible on Patreon :