Feeder Fantasy by Fallboy

hey guys what’s the newest version of the game that’s playable right now?

5.0 is the newest version the original Japanese version can be found on @fallboy3656622’s pixiv.

There is also a machine translation provided by @humblesasquatch.

Also of note a mod is being worked on that fully translates the game to English as well as continues/expands upon a mod that was made by @Kitsune. Which changed the main character to female, update their sprite in 4.0, and added a robust translation among many other changes.


Upcoming update, new npc.


Oh, huh, I guess he turned that minigame idea he was talking about a few months back into an expansion for this instead.

My impression is that for the most part, whatever he ends up releasing shouldn’t be terribly difficult to append to what we’re doing, but I guess we’ll see.

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I’m glad they’re still working on their game. This is a really great project.

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Hello Folks,

We are finally glad to present Feeder Fantasy, uh, 5.0 - 1.0? 5.0.0? 5.0.1? Whatever - link can be found here:

I very much suggest at least glimpsing through the included ReadMe: it contain extraction/locale instructions, a changelog, credits, and a somewhat comprehensive guide alike to the one made for Project F.A.T.

We put quite a bit of time into this over the last several weeks with the intent of focusing on QoL and then enhancing our favorite parts of the game, so I hope everyone that’s been a fan since the early days can find something new to enjoy, and I hope any new players can have a really pleasant first experience!

We can’t really even begin to estimate when (or if) the next major update on our end might come out, but we have a lot of ideas for expansion now that we have a few artists on-board, so I’m somewhat optimistic. One thing I’m quite sure we WILL end up adding at least is that new heroine Fallboy has been teasing on twitter whenever it comes out, so rest assured.

Anyways, thanks for all the support you guys have been giving to the large and constantly changing group of people that have worked on this over the last year and a half, and be sure to give Fallboy some love on his Pixiv if you like his project! We couldn’t have done any of this without him.

See you sometime in the future.


thank you for your hard work

What were the passwords for english again? I only know the Japanese ones.

Why did you delete most of the weight descriptions?

Because entropy is an unstoppable force slowly destroying us all.


We managed to find a way to change them, so we replaced them all with more intuitive English phrases that the general western public would actually be able to understand.

They’re all included at the bottom of the readme, but if you just wanna speed through the game, the unobtainable-in-game password “EZ$” applies the effects of every single one at once.

Sorry, I’m not really sure specifically what you’re referring to.


You were originally able to ‘look’ at the bodies of the girls (including the skinny versons) and get a text description of them. Most of them have been deleted.

For example, you mean something like the following?

Because I’m not detecting anything unusual. The selection is usually labeled “Look At Her Body”.

If we’re on different wavelengths about the specific type of content and/or those options aren’t showing up for you, I’d appreciate a screenshot to help identify the problem.


Yeah. The description of the skinny priestess and bar girls, as well as most of the descriptions for the Mana crystal shopkeeper, Wildcat bakery, and sweets shop.

Now that I go back, these weren’t in the original. Whoops, sorry. It would be nice for consistency’s sake, though.

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Yeah person who made a translation on their own time without any compensation, add things to the game for consistency. This one guy wants them.


Eh, come now, I think it’s a good idea. I’ll put it on our list of potential future content


Oh you can now feed all 3 at once. That’s actually a really nice update to when I played previously.

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You can feed all the girls in the same day. This mod is based off/inspired by the mod that @Kitsune made which let you feed the girls multiple times a day and I believe all in the same day as well. The read me file has a list of the changes the mod has currently made to the game other than the translation.

Really appreciate all the work your team have put into this! It feels like the most polished version of the game thus far and an excellent mash up of 5.0, kitsune’s mod and additional changes that make the game much more enjoyable to play. I’m looking forward to whatever content your team works on in the future.

The only extremely minor issue I had was when I tried using the “ultimate password”, the shopkeeper doesn’t seem to trigger the selling of “Weight loss medicine?” after I gave the assistant all the workout equipment. Seemed fine when I wasn’t using the code though.

The only extremely minor issue I had was when I tried using the “ultimate password”, the shopkeeper doesn’t seem to trigger the selling of “Weight loss medicine?” after I gave the assistant all the workout equipment. Seemed fine when I wasn’t using the code though.

I made a fresh file and speedran to this to check and it worked with no issue.

Are you sure you gave Judy all three distinct items instead of accidentally repeating one? Her “Talk” option should change to her having heard a rumor about the drug if you’ve done it properly.

Otherwise I’ve got nothing. If you can’t work it out, it’d be great if you could share the save marred by the bug.