I’ve been loosely working on a little project for some time now. Felt a bit burned out so I wanted to see if anyone would be interested in what I’ve been creating!
I really enjoy playing RPG Maker games centred around weight gain, so I wanted to try making my own. The main gameplay focuses on fishing and interacting with the world’s characters. You’ll catch all sorts of fish and use your profits to buy upgrades or to feed the people you come across!
The mechanics pretty much work along the lines of Stardew Valley in terms of the day/time system and managing your energy. I’ve also included changing seasons and different weathers, which will affect what kind of fish you’ll catch in different locations.
Aside from the main town which you’ll be living in, you’ll be able to set sail to different islands with their own characters and quests to discover. I also wanted to take advantage of upgrading your ship to be able to traverse deeper waters to get to new islands too!
Each island has a unique environment and their own pools of fish.
On to the part people really care about: weight gain.
You’ll gift the people you meet food and see them gain weight as the days progress. As they hit bigger weights, you’ll be asked by them to do different tasks and such. I wanted to include a variety of characters to see get bigger, and also include a variety of fetishes that people might want to see. I also thought it’d be important to give players the option to decide if they want to see certain fetish content. For example, I really like slob and gas but I’m aware others don’t, so there will be toggles for heavier fetish content too.
Let me know if any of this sounds interesting or if you want more information about any aspects of the game. It’s a bit bare bones in terms of story and such, but the basics have all been implemented to a point I’m happy with.
And follow me on Twitter (_stupidmop) if you want any updates, it’ll be helpful to see if I should keep going with this project! I’ll also be uploading more screenshots there:)
→ In terms of a playable build, I’m close to having something ready for people to try out, but I still need to iron things out. I’ll probably update here or on Twitter once I’m closer to releasing the first build!