Feeding Frenzy - A Weight Gain Fishing/Life Sim!


I’ve been loosely working on a little project for some time now. Felt a bit burned out so I wanted to see if anyone would be interested in what I’ve been creating!

I really enjoy playing RPG Maker games centred around weight gain, so I wanted to try making my own. The main gameplay focuses on fishing and interacting with the world’s characters. You’ll catch all sorts of fish and use your profits to buy upgrades or to feed the people you come across!

The mechanics pretty much work along the lines of Stardew Valley in terms of the day/time system and managing your energy. I’ve also included changing seasons and different weathers, which will affect what kind of fish you’ll catch in different locations.

Aside from the main town which you’ll be living in, you’ll be able to set sail to different islands with their own characters and quests to discover. I also wanted to take advantage of upgrading your ship to be able to traverse deeper waters to get to new islands too!

Each island has a unique environment and their own pools of fish.

On to the part people really care about: weight gain.

You’ll gift the people you meet food and see them gain weight as the days progress. As they hit bigger weights, you’ll be asked by them to do different tasks and such. I wanted to include a variety of characters to see get bigger, and also include a variety of fetishes that people might want to see. I also thought it’d be important to give players the option to decide if they want to see certain fetish content. For example, I really like slob and gas but I’m aware others don’t, so there will be toggles for heavier fetish content too.

Let me know if any of this sounds interesting or if you want more information about any aspects of the game. It’s a bit bare bones in terms of story and such, but the basics have all been implemented to a point I’m happy with.

And follow me on Twitter (_stupidmop) if you want any updates, it’ll be helpful to see if I should keep going with this project! I’ll also be uploading more screenshots there:)


→ In terms of a playable build, I’m close to having something ready for people to try out, but I still need to iron things out. I’ll probably update here or on Twitter once I’m closer to releasing the first build! :saluting_face:


Seems like a cute little thing so far! Looking forward to seeing more of it. I was wondering, will the MC gain weight as well?


I’d like to make the MC gain weight too, I’ll just need to work on how it’ll affect how she moves and does other things!


i think this is a great idea and i love fishing games, also as for things i would add, maybe a chance to catch mermaids and fatten them up? just and idea from a monster girl addict


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Put me down as interested! I love slick-of-lifey wg sims like this. Can we get a build to play?

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Will there be stuffing based content?

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Sound like it is going to be a relaxing little weight gain game I can not wait to play.

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I definitely have plans for monster girls to be added! And of course stuffing content is a must.

In terms of a playable build, I’m close to having something that feels good enough to upload, I just need to finish off a few things and make sure it feels good to play!


will we be able to see some real weight gain sprites? and what about the MC? will he/she be able to gain weight? (idk if the MC is a male or a female)

I do have weight gain sprites! And yes, I have plans to let you fatten up the main character too:) Although she’ll need to keep her weight down if she wants to keep on fishing!


maybe… barely mobile? but if what you’re trying to make is a stardew valley Game like, You can maker the MC to consume more stamina through The day due to her weight, make her winded and tired and to need to rest sometimes to catch her breath, slower to do things and something like that

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Barely mobile would be nice, I just worry about it affecting gameplay too much! Making her slower and having things take more energy is nice sounding as a concept, but it would probably be pretty tedious to play.

I’m happy to experiment though, and I could always add it as a choice if people want it!!:slight_smile:


Yeah well, if there’s people who don’t want it just don’t feed the MC too much, easy, and is a very good concept make her barely Mobile affecting her daily activities just like I said before…


I’ll test it out and see how things go:)

I’m always open to suggestions, especially when it comes to things I’m not entirely into myself!


I pray for your effort to bare fruits, or well good fish? If there anything you may need in terms of support I am willing to offer my aid!

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I would love to try it one of these days.


I am still working on this! (kind of…)

I was hoping to have it wrapped up fairly quickly but I’ve been a bit knocked-out im terms of my health. You’d think spending a lot of time in bed would let me work on what I want, but sadly my motivation has been nonexistent! :face_exhaling:

With most of what I wanted to finish already done, it’s just some little bits I need to get ironed out!

Might have a little demo ready in a couple of weeks? :heart: :heart:


thats really nice! im looking forward to this

“Oh thank god an rpgmaker game that does something different and has gameplay that isnt just poorly implemented turn based battles”

no upload

I crai

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