Fields of Mistria; Fatties in Mistria

working on a mod for Fields of Mistria!

Kinda off and on however i technically have about 3 characters completed with a couple more on the way so i thought that at this point i should probably posted for the sake of getting that sweet street cred.

ITS a bit complicated to properly download but i made sure the stuff is packed correctly more or less, Here’s a guide on how to edit the game:
(Steam Community :: Guide :: Modding & Save Editing Tutorial)

2 THINGS. for the love of god backup your data, so you can undo the changes.
Secondly, to repack you simply need to empty the folders into one big “Sprites” folder which is provided.

I kept them separate so one can get a peak at the images included.

Also included a few sneak peaks for Round 2 : )

You can also check out my DA: thornscapeo - Hobbyist, Digital Artist | DeviantArt in case you wanna see more (probably unrelated but still fat content)

Fatties of Mistria.7z (2.6 MB)


What a coincidence, I was just looking at Fields of Mistria and now there’s a fat mod out already. Your art looks great!


I hope someone does Roots of Pacha as the next farm simulator for people to make the romancables fat.

As for this one, now I’m considering getting it for this mod. Really great art! Tho I must ask, are there plans for there to be stages of weight or is this just replacing the sprites for fat ones?

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probably not. unless A. the demand is high enough or B. the modding tools are finally released. Sadly however i think by memory they’re only planning on releasing them after the game is finally released which will take years. so. rip.

only updates coming out soon from me is probably going to be other women and possibly a few male characters

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holy peam… amazing work

always thought this game had a strange lack of varying body types… this helps LOL

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