so I added a few things to it so I guess this is my first changelog
1: I added a small opening to give a snippet about the world
2: while only temporary placeholder sprite at the moment the second party member is now implemented, Clarissa an extremely fat (though you couldn’t tell it at the moment, but she is)maid who wields a gun
3:speaking of which there is a small village where you meet clarissa you can meet her (which she’s a bit of a B@!&h if you see her at this point) which is all to sweet when you meet her after the demon gets released
yes the mysterious woman is a demon, an ancient demon who was awakened by a meteorite that crashed into Nanako’s forest
If any of the sprites and whatnot that I have in my project fit your theme go ahead and use them if you want.
thanks, but I’ve hit a bit of a snag, I’ve figured out how to make my character change looks when she get inflicted by a state called fattened, but now I’m having issues figuring how to get her to revert when the state gets healed
Avakann wrote: “thanks, but I’ve hit a bit of a snag, I’ve figured out how to make my character change looks when she get inflicted by a state called fattened, but now I’m having issues figuring how to get her to revert when the state gets healed”
Muscles come and muscles go but fat stays, right? Very promising state of matters in a WG-game! You just got my attention and whole-hearted support for the project! applauses
Okay here’s how I had to do it. You need a completely separate stat with no icon, text, buffs or debuffs. Set you character to change to the normal sprites when they have this stat. Have all items and spells that inflict fattening remove this new stat and have all abilities that cure fattening add this new stat as well. Just set an event to add this stat to your party members when you first meet them and make sure you change inns and revival items to add the stat too or it’ll mess everything up.
Okay here’s how I had to do it. You need a completely separate stat with no icon, text, buffs or debuffs. Set you character to change to the normal sprites when they have this stat. Have all items and spells that inflict fattening remove this new stat and have all abilities that cure fattening add this new stat as well. Just set an event to add this stat to your party members when you first meet them and make sure you change inns and revival items to add the stat too or it’ll mess everything up.[/quote]
thanks that really helped, I’m going to release a proof of concept game on friday, to see people’s reaction to the game, I’ll also put up a donation poll towards it because I need some help with finances
Huh, well, it was short, and nothing seemed to happen, but it was pretty good as a proof of concept. Looking forward to this game’s expansion.
yeah it will be expanded upon I’m just trying to see how people think of it
Alright, I’m liking this so far!
Will take a look a little later!
It was nice playing something and not knowing exactly what was going to happen. Looks like we both basically have the same big bad for our games too. I’m not sure how vxace works but hopeful you’ll have an easy time working on this.
for a “Proof of Concept” kind of deal, I think there’s a lot of potential and I can’t wait to see where you’re going to go with this o 3 o
ok I should mention a couple of things about her, the spell heavy thunder also inflicts fatten on nanako, I’m adding other heavy spells that effect her weight later but heavy thunder was a test on the fattening aspect, she won’t have them until a certain part of the story, namely when she feels the need to use them,
the npc outside of nanako’s house also inflicts fatten when you talk to her (though I’m sure most people got curious about that, so I’m sure people have already figured that out)but I’d recomend to either heal the fatten in the bed or not talking to her then meeting with the mysterious woman underground, her face sprite is only a place holder namely the generator doesn’t have the eyes I want so I kept her eyes closed for now, until I can fix it, but I’m not an artiest in the slightest I don’t have photoshop (unless you know a way for me to get it for free legit)
made an update on first page, no new sprites but fleshed out the story a little more
Not bad. I would recommend a few things to speed things up
Her House -way to big and it took me forever to figure out what to do. stairs that go nowhere and I did not know where put stuff. Maybe a verbal reminder from the main character would be good.
Over world- seems kinda big for what you are doing at present and for the things in the story it almost seems like you could have kicked to the curb as all could have been done with exterior maps.
Devil is in the details- it is very clear when you use one of the preloaded maps vs one of your own. I recommend not using them because I have seen them cause game failure in larger games and if you intend to expand upon this game you might want to make it a bit more signature you.
I really loved your sprite wg and think I might use it for something I have planned. Thank you for letting us see your work I know it can be hard but do not give up.
[quote=“Dandy, post:15, topic:773”]Not bad. I would recommend a few things to speed things up
Her House -way to big and it took me forever to figure out what to do. stairs that go nowhere and I did not know where put stuff. Maybe a verbal reminder from the main character would be good.
Over world- seems kinda big for what you are doing at present and for the things in the story it almost seems like you could have kicked to the curb as all could have been done with exterior maps.
Devil is in the details- it is very clear when you use one of the preloaded maps vs one of your own. I recommend not using them because I have seen them cause game failure in larger games and if you intend to expand upon this game you might want to make it a bit more signature you.
I really loved your sprite wg and think I might use it for something I have planned. Thank you for letting us see your work I know it can be hard but do not give up.[/quote]
I know the house is big but it’s big for a purpose, finer details in the house will be in place later but for now that’s just how it is, the upstairs will have something but I havn’t implemented it yet,I’m planning on making this world big, in the next update I’ll just make it impossible to go into area’s until later, and with the preloaded maps they are just placeholders until I’m more comfortable with making a village myself, this game is very early in it’s development, so keep that in mind, I do enjoy the critique
Sounds interesting, I am not going to lie it does take some time of tinkering before you feel comfortable making your own games but when you do a game can really take off.
I thank you for keeping the rovproj2 file it allowed me to open it in rpg maker and explore it a bit.
so a few things about my game I wanted to tell
1: I’m restructuring the the first town to be my own and not pre-built
2: so as a result next update won’t have too much in terms of new content
3: and finally I’m ready to release the name of the game Blathinum, named after the world this game is set in
I can’t seem to get it to work, whenever i start it it tells me I’m missing a file required to start it.
you need the rtp to play the game