Food Frontline: Gather cute girls and throw them at an endless legion of food! [v0.4.1]

Ah, totally makes sense. Then I imagine instead of fixing that it’d just be easier to eventually make the 4th stages and address it then. Since the bug isn’t game breaking.

Really great game so far. Still trying to get all the girls to 3rd to 4th stage, and it’s a rather fun gameplay loop.

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Would you be able to lower metabolism rate to a flatter curve by chance? 3 per second is way too high and gets in the way of trying to feed for stuffing/exp.

Are drops working properly? after a battle I’ll gain credits like +10+10+10 then only actually get +10 not +30?

Also all my currencies appear 3 times in my inventory instead of once (so probably is a bug, probably just a visual one?)

What is ayme new mansion? I’ve never head of it before.

Ayume’s new mansion was a place holder name for the vn project that portal stuffing was turned into/replaced by.

A Bellyful Life


Hmm, how do I swap my backline and frontline units? I can’t seem to figure it out.

During battle, you would have to scroll lock (button in top right corner), and then click and drag a card over another.

In the squad screen, you can either select a card and replace it, and then back on the squad screen select another card in the empty slot, or click and drag again in the squad screen, which is easier.

Thanks, also, uh how do you leave one of those missions with like 1000s of squares without it saying mission failed? (I don’t even see an enemy HQ so is winning even possible?)

You need to capture each square by changing it from red to blue. You can do this by having your squad sit on it and end turn.

I’m not sure myself. I cleared one but it wouldn’t end.

I know I’m colorblind, but I’m not that colorblind! I’m pretty sure they turn green!

You only get 5 end turn buttons before you run out on those missions.

You can summon another squad on 0 movement left. It’ll set the movement to -1, but it won’t break the game.

In this way, you can cover more per turn.

The last level requires 2 squads and needs all the nodes to be turned into ally spaces. Speaking of the last level, the gingerbread castle is really buggy. Sometimes it’ll phase out of existence when you try to target it. It’ll reappear after a short while and then if you try to target it again, it again phases out of existence. This cycle prevents the level from being cleared every time you do the instance.

you just need to kill all enemies, dont worry about the red tiles

It seems to depend on the scenario, sometimes you need to make all the tiles green. Often you don’t…

please let me know if you encountered a mission that requires all tiles to be green

Surrounded does. Although that might be plot related. Also any mission I failed to successfully complete (of course since I didn’t complete it, I may have done something else wrong. An example of this would be my attempt at first expedition where I killed all the visible enemies, then just gave up and left.)

I’ll go through the levels again, but I believe there’s 3 levels that require tiles to be green.

It was Rush the Hill and Destroy the Fortress. Can’t seem to replicate it though on Rush the Hill.

Here’s the bug for Destroy the Fortress.