Forks: A Weight Gain Visual Novel (Cancelled, all assets posted for everyone)

It brings a tear to my eye that forks legacy will be carried on by such a dedicated community. Godspeed to everyone who is going to see this complete, even if it takes a long time, I have faith a lot of good will come :smile:


It was a good run and one of the best weight gain gain I’ve ever played, thank you for everything sincerly. Eager to see where it’ll go from here.


is there a person or group that took over the developement?


I might be misremembering as I think more than one person said they were going to do something but there was atleast one person. Not that anyone is taking up the mantle in an official capacity since Tron gave their blessing for people to do what they want with the source material. However, no one was selected by the team to do so (just stating that so there’s not a misconception, not intended as a detraction).

what’s the final weight gain stage of rea and alex in the current version

The latest demo is still playable. So you can find out by playing the different routes. Don’t expect much growth as development stop.


Hey, downloaded the game recently, though I know it’s been cancelled. At what point did the development stop? Like where did the story end off and what size was everyone left at? I see pictures and talk that makes me think they get pretty big, but my game keeps closing at a certain point. Alex is just size 3 and the game closes shortly after they all go to Alex’s house, come back, and Alex and Rea talk with Morgan.
“Shoot, I’ll be honest too, you guys make me my weight feel normal and that’s a tall order.”
That’s where the game kicks me out and sends me back to the title screen. Is that it? Or is it like a bug?

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currently Hannah’s route has the furthest development and is the only one that pushes Alex beyond size 3. All other discussion sizes are from the image dump posted together with the game files when it was announced to be cancelled.


Ach, I was gonna ask about where to post my crash log, but it looks like that won’t be necessary, huh? Well, be that as it may, you have my appreciation for getting this snowball rolling, & I look forward to seeing how whoever picks this up decides to get this train moving again

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Man, sad to see it go, but guess it is bound to happen. I got basic coding skill with Ren’py Enough to make basic effect and talking, I could try to make an ending. but it will never be the real game the menu with the slider is out of my realm of competencies. So dunno, if people are interested in an ending I can try to make it through. But it would be roughly done and lacking in terms of it, although i’m blessed with having everything needed. So how does that sounds? (English is not my main language and I’m prone to do some typing errors.) But if I do get backup we could pull it through.

I will come back to the thread soon to see the answers to this post.

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I got some basic too if you do need help ill be around. I’m seeking to improve my competencies but yeah. Glad to see that someone wants to finish it.

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Since it came up in another thread I’ll ask here. If people can figure out how to “borrow” the ren’py engine menu upgrades and unique features you coded for forks into another VNs on the forum. Are they allowed? Or would you prefer if they not do that?

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Go for it! I’m really happy to hear that the Forks code might live on in other games. It’s not very tidy, so sorry about that. I only ask that you indicate that you include “Team Spoon” in your game credits.


There’s a file called TRON PLS READ.txt that should tell you how to do the basics. I tried to design it so that you don’t need to know how the guts of the code work.


What files should I enter to run the game? I can’t find it no matter how hard I look.

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Click the mega or itch links in the first post download either the Windows(pc) or Mac version depending on what operating system you are on. It’s in a zip file so you might need to have a program like Winrar or 7zip installed to open the zip file.

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Are the mega files and the itch files the same? The two files have different capacities, and I only know how to run the itch file.

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The itch is the game and the mega I think are just the raw file assets since the game was canceled. There aren’t different versions you’re missing out on. The mega file was left for people to use the raw assets freely.

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All issues are now resolved! Thank you!