Found another Japanese game on Pixiv

grab some software called bandzip. You can unpack compressed data in the language it was compressed in, thats likely your issues, the text is all jacked up.
English, using most decompressors

Unpacking using the Japanese code using the Code Page option on the top left


Why missing char image… sad

Thank you for the explanation. Makes sense that the garbled text would confuse the game.

If I use the machine translation, the game says the icon set is missing

Nevermind, tried to decompress in japanese and use the machine translation at the same time.

Thank you for the machine translation Merph, only problem I see with it is the same as with the other game I shared here, with lines of dialogue being cut off at points by the text box not being big enough.

NEW download link is here, :


Meh, there’s no visual weight gain in the game, and since I can’t read Japanese and the machine translation is so wonky, doesn’t make for a great experience.

I made a lite version of the game:MEGA
However, the game itself is still Japanese.
There is no difference between the original and the lite version.
The lite version just removes the extraneous features and unused files of the game


God bless you for that advice

surprised this is the one fallboy game without a quick n dirty translation lol