Gain Jam 2022 is LIVE!

Say, think it’s possible to add a community vote for Best Minion out of these games?

My vote would go to Kit-Kat

Unfortunately, not on our end. Our hands are usually full with just trying to judge the number of entries XD If some one wants to make a poll for that we wont stop them though as long as it is clears its an unofficial thing


i hope Manic mimic wins. :innocent: :slightly_smiling_face:

When will the nominations be announced?

I don’t know if there is a set time. I think it only happens when all of the judges have played and evaluated every game, which might take a while.

After 1st round judging is done is the soonest we could do it if we do announce them. We may wait until all judging is done before we announce anything this year.


How is judging going so far this year? I don’t mean to sound impatient, I’m just curious how far along it is.

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It’s going