It’s finally time, ladies and gentlemen: the fifth annual Weight Gaming Gain Jam is upon us! Without further ado, the theme for this year’s Gain Jam we give to you is…
Yes, it’s the close cousin and bedfellow of Gluttony: the sin of Greed! We want you to tap into those selfish desires to take all that you can, then grab even more! From rampant consumption and runaway appetites, to ruthless profiteering and corruption - however you approach this year’s Theme will be left down to your devious devices. As long as you’re thinking “greedy”, you’re on the right lines!
So loosen those belts, fat cats, and be prepared to take more than your fair share! Spare no one’s feelings as you leave nothing spare!
This year’s Theme should not preclude any particular game genres or skillsets from eligibly entering the contest, so for added challenge we have the following side objectives to the contest: Enter the Wildcards!
Attempt and complete these challenges to boost your entry with supplementary points - along with the added bragging rights! These aren’t essential for winning, but if you can conceptualise a game that can use the wildcards then so much the better! A brief rundown of each:
New Game+: The finally revealed wildcard! Have a mechanic that allows progress to be carried over between playthroughs - whether it be a prestiging mechanic, unlocking new story/dialogue paths, new endings or something else entirely!
Progress Through Failure: Implement a mechanic(s) where you progress by failing - and we don’t just mean having juicy Bad End CGs!
Minions: Have subordinate NPCs that assist the player or the player can control.
Since this is the first Jam utilising the wildcards, we are excited to see what card + theme combinations will get conjured up!
Important! Remember that in order for any wildcard to count for scoring, to make sure you state the wildcard(s) used in-game! This can be done in text or by including the card images in your game. Check out our rules page on the wiki for more info!
Card image assets can be found here for those who wish to use them: Wildcard (427.9 KB)
Some final few reminders:
Firstly, that the #gain-jam:gain-jam-8-2022 section is now open!
To qualify for the contest, all submission entries must post a new topic thread there to qualify. Early posting is fine, however please only post when you have something ready to put up. This forum section is for submissions and discussion about the entries within their respective submission threads only.
Discussions or questions relating to the Jam itself should be posted either in #gain-jam:questions-help or raised in the Discord server.
Secondly, if you plan on posting your work on Twitter, tag it with #GainJam so you can show off that talent and greedily farm those likes and retweets!
And with that we wish everyone the best of luck this year! With two weeks on the clock, let’s see what you can come up with!