Gain Station 13 - Sci-Fi WG-Themed RP Server [MAIN THREAD]

This post and thread will be dedicated as the main page for any new info, updates for Gain Station 13. It also serves as a general summary of what GS13 is about, including some helpful links!

What is Gain Station 13?

GS13 is a server operating within a game known as Space Station 13. It’s main focus is to be a relaxed roleplaying social space with the theme of expansion mixed into it, as well as any other occasional events!

  • Immerse yourself into one of the jobs on a space station, with a plethora of various positions such as botanists, scientists, chefs, security and many more!
  • Engage in a multitude of mechanics, such as cooking, xenobiology, chemistry, engineering etc!
  • Hang out with other players and enjoy their own unique characters!
    We’re aiming for a more realistic approach to IC roleplay, though not overly serious! The server is obviously focused on fetish content, but we’re focused on not making it exclusively fattywank and more just nice RP in general.

The server’s adjusted for making various types of characters too: furry, human, felinids, bugs, scalies, taurs, nagas, anthros, robots and more!

What mechanics does GS13 have?

We’ve got a mini-wiki featuring content exclusive to our codebase!

But to list out more notable features, we’ve got:

  • dynamic weight gain system featuring 11 stages of weight (with dynamically changing sprites)
  • multiple methods of weight gain (food, magic, chemicals, viruses, weaponry and other)
  • in-depth weight mechanics (door stuckage, clothes bursting, mobility loss etc)
  • an intertwined web of items (such as special weaponry, scientific research nodes, calorite mining ores)
  • unique world flavoring (we’ve departed away from classical Nanotrasen Corporations, operating within our own uniquely designed GATO Corporation)

And much, much more! Seriously, we’ve accumulated quite a good deal of updates over the years. There’s quite a good deal of bigger or smaller items or mechanics by now!

How to join / important info:

You must be over 18 years of age to join, as well as have read the rules posted on our Discord.

More info here: Link to GS13 discord

More importantly, the Byond engine that GS13 is coded on is quite dated and can be hard to grasp at first. We’ve got some channels dedicated to helping out as well as mentors, so don’t be afraid to ask if you’re struggling with something! Take your time with learning the basics. There’s also a channel for important links, like game wikis, cheat sheets or tutorials.

Some screenshots from our rounds:

(GATO Beach server event)

(Off-Station role map: Feeder’s Den)

(Off-Station role map: GATO Fast Food)

General Station 13 2023-05-22 174847
(Random screenshot from the bar)

Don’t be afraid to ask any questions regarding the game or codebase here too. Hope to see you there!


As a former admin and contributor, I’ve come out of lurking to say that this place is definitely worth a try. The chaos and jank of the old systems of Space Station 13 + BYOND can be daunting, and the requirement for roleplaying and character-character interaction even moreso for some, but being able to enjoy the multiplayer experience and develop a network of stories and connections is really well worth it. The community’s pretty welcoming as far as I remember, too!

Plus, it seems like all the coders have been working SO hard on adding to the WG and fat mechanics. I’m really proud to see everything has evolved in my year and a half’s worth of absence :D. Back when I started, we had to write our way into being immersed. Now it seems like people have toiled really hard to make an ideal WG roleplaying experience.

Amazing job, GS-13 team! And seriously, give it a try if you haven’t already. Maybe you’ll really like it?

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It’s such a shame SS13 is like learning a multiplayer spreadsheet, that certainly pushes a lot of people away lol

Hopefully this project gets the recognition it deserves ^w^

Allow me to say here to you and for others that might be reading as well. Yes, the game is just spreadsheet excel the multiplayer game, there are times I need to actually open the wiki to remember how to do certain stuff. But the players around are more than willing to teach those who may not know.

The game can be intimidating but do not let that be something to push you away. Players may be shy to approach and ask questions, but trust me, we will make sure you learn how to play, maybe show you the ropes, and how to do certain jobs in specific, like Chemistry or Bar Tending which quite literally is pushing buttons together to make a funny chemical or a fattening drink. The rest is really up to you on what you want to do, just gotta give it a try and see what there is to explore and do.


That’s the sad truth. But recently we’re doing our best to help all the new players with this stuff, such as getting more moderators or mentors! The community itself is quite eager to help too.


Hopefully the effort with new mods and mentors is well worth it! ^w^
Speaking for myself, my true issues lie in trash internet and shakey RP abilities, but I hope more people find the project and join :3


How do you play this game? looks interesting

There’s a wiki for getting started for SS13, but I forget if its TG thats used or another. It has a learning curve but people are willing to help.

I joined the server about two or so weeks ago and this game has been eating up my time. I have honestly really been enjoying the game aspect and the rp aspect of gs13. I have always wanted to try, rp, but I have had only done ttrpg stuff with my friends. Due to that, I think I was quickly hooked to the style of the game. You could spend your time playing single player in the mines or you could be a chemist, blowing yourself up in a violent explosion trying to make the dick growing drug.

Lots of people are really cool, try to make sure to take in character interactions with a grain of salt and don’t hold a grudge, that just ruins rp attempts. Some people are weird and are always trying to be the main character. Just try to go with the flow and hit them with the improv “yes, and” rule. Everyone there is there to have a fun time and see people get fat.


Update: We’re currently in the process of rebasing, moving our content to a better, smoother version of code! Currently there’s some occasional playtests being organized, as well as a lot of bug catching!

Are you guys moving onto the SS14 port on steam?
Or are you staying on SS13?

Nope, we’re moving from HyperStation code to upstream CitadelStation code. There’s no plans to move onto SS14 atm, nor do I think we ever will move there. There’s several reasons for it:

  • Our coder team is small. Porting our code to SS14 would mean a lot of work and essentially restructing a ton of code that’s ours and other servers. Not just mechanics such as weight gain, but also character customization or generally other RP server mechanics. I doubt that even big ERP / furry servers with proper dev teams even consider it at all
  • SS14 still lacks a lot of content and depth, despite superior engine and potential for more interesting mechanics. GainStation13 has low population and very long rounds, which means that finding stuff to do can be challenging at times. Having even less content of a job simulator would probably make long rounds unbearable
  • The administration of SS14 has centralized servers. I might be wrong, but I’ve heard from several sources that SS14 owners decide what lands on the hub, and what can be hosted in their game. They’d probably would not take kindly to a server like ours. I’m uncertain how difficult it’d be to keep something like this under wraps as a private server either.

Thus, the only benefit of moving to SS14 would be easier coding language. Besides that, it’d be a really bad move.

I’d recommend coming! Its a great time and everyone is really fun. Even if you’ve never played before. We have a great community that’s willing to teach you any aspect of the game. If you do join, just make sure you save your characters details externally as the rebase is happenning and any characters created on one version will not work on the other


GS13 has just recently been upgraded to a newer code base, albeit I am unfamiliar with all the exact details, I definitely recommend giving it a look, the place feels fresh with all the stuff that was update game mechanics wise!

Very relevant screenshot