Gaining In The Name Of...(Prologue Available!)

Definitely an interesting concept, although personally I enjoy gradual gain more. Something like the aura slowly leaking out and gradually making people fatter, rather than holding someone’s hand and boom, fat.

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Very fair, that was just supposed to represent the proof of Emi’s newfound powers. I definitely plan on sustained interactions causing growth as opposed to touch and go type stuff.

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The idea will eventually turn into being able to explore the world and interact with other characters at your own pace and leisure.

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Does this mean the protag will have the ability to feed and fatten girls in a direct way? Or will the weight gain and other fetish content be related to this aura and the protag will be more hands off with the effects and just a catalyst or conduit? I guess I’m curious if the content is meant to be more magic, rapid weight gain and transformation focused or if the players influence will be more than that. Personally, I prefer a narrative that feels like the player has some kind of agency or influence on the events in a more proactive way rather than the events being an inevitability and the player has a more passive role in it.

But the girls are cute, it’s short but it does get an idea of what to expect. I’m curious to see where you plan to take it and how it will shape up. There’s only a few minor typos and the professor is first shown to us with no jacket on bent over then has a blazer/jacket on in the next render. Other than that, didn’t see any issues. Thanks for the share.

You’re a perceptive one, aren’t you? The jacket error was a result of crunch time to get the demo out since I won’t have time to work on scenes until next week, but I do plan on fixing that up eventually. As for typos, I’ll probably run it through Docs and have that check errors for me.

Regarding the story, I want Emi to have direct involvement in the story and the other characters physical forms to reflect the deepening of their bonds. The idea of the story should be whimsical and sensual, but also relatable and genuinely enjoyable.


Rad, rad. Looking forward to this, still.

New Poll time! This one will help me determine story progression of the characters!

On one hand, I can focus on depth-centric progression, where characters will grow completely depending on their rapport value. On the other hand, I can make it breadth-centric progression so that max character size is determined by the “world phase” that advances based on prerequisites.

The advantage of depth-first is that you can see your favorite characters get bigger, faster. The advantage of breadth-first is that it’s harder to speedrun content and it comes at a more even pace. Additionally, when a standard is set for everyone’s sizes, it’s easier to include crossover content between them all(and it makes Emi size increases easier too).

  • Give me fat girls, NOW!(Depth-focus)
  • Let’s spread the love!(Breadth-focus)
0 voters

Alright my people, little bit of an update. I’ve honestly felt really conflicted during development lately, and i think that might be due to stretching my wings too far. I wanted to do different minigames based on each character, but that would take attention away from pure progression.

I don’t want to make a basic click spammer, but “something’s better than nothing” might come into effect here. I believe I’ll have to do whatever I can to prevent this from getting swept under the rug.


hey take your time, it’s your game. You don’t have to overwork yourself


If you take the time do mini games for each character it’s your decision we can be patient