Game Idea

Slow burn “life Simulator” where you play as a spirit of gluttony, the voice in the back of the host’s head telling them to indulge. The host will go about their day without your control, but you can tempt them to eat more. Being a spirit, you can move freely from host to host, whenever you would like. Of course, there would be a variety of hosts, with different body shapes, descriptions, lifestyles, and feelings towards gaining. You get to whittle down their willpower over time.


Interesting Idea, I would assume their day-to-day activities are based on a Weight-Tree type dealio where based on the actions you’ve influenced them to do, I.e. order takeout rather than home cook, drive to work rather than walk, skip a run with friends and stay home and play games etc. These actions would then lead to the character being put in more compromising positions. After they’ve ordered takeout a number of times it becomes more “How much takeout will you make them order” rather than “will they order takeout”.


Yeah and you could have it so you can expend extra energy to encourage them during the day maybe, which could boost you but could also backfire if they resist it and you waste the energy

I like this idea, you could have “random” events which significantly alter your holding power overt them. For example, they could start dating someone and that persons influences could outweigh yours and so you have less power over them but then somewhere down the line they break up and the despair and sadness makes them more impressionable and so your whims have more force over them


Maybe a risk-reward system, only so far you can push it before they go; “Dude, the fuck am I doing? I’m on a diet.”