We probably need a whole thread dedicated to living with OSX, as the topic keeps coming up.
As you’ve probably worked out anything that is built on top of cross-platform tools like Flash, HTML, Java (like my game Yaffaif, and others like FetishMaster), Python will work. That includes the likes of Twine and RenPy.
Anything built for Windows will require emulation (which Wine is, but isn’t, but is despite its name), Virtualisation (Parallels, VirtualBox) or a dual-boot (bootcamp?). I’ve deliberately listed those in increasing order of likelihood to work (and complexity).
Maintaining a list of games for a particular OS is a pain in the butt. You could keep editing your OP to list them if people reply, and that would be a handy resource for everyone else in this position (maybe change the title too).
Ideally there would be a “database” here like TfGamesSite has, or failing that an entry we could all add to, like a Wiki (I read in the discord forums help that a post can be wikified - but I’ve no idea how). What we do have is tags though, which are searchable; I’ve added the tags windows, mac, and linux to my game, perhaps other authors can be persuaded to do the same?