GB Studio Help

I’m trying to make games that make use of 32x32 sprites in GB Studio, which is a free software that allows people to make their own Game Boy games. The reason I ask is because I want to make sprites of a fat boy or girl for a homebrew game.

what do you want help with? making the sprites or using the software?

Implementing 32x32 sprites into a homebrew Game Boy game. Or 64x64, take your pick. I don’t see how Mousse does it with her PAKUBYTE homebrew game.

I guess it’s too late but since i recently made a game with gb studio, i can say that at least can exist 1 32x32 pixels sprite in a level since there’s a limitation of 96 tiles (8x8 pixels), so if you want to add more of 2 or 3 32x32 sprites, well, the app will not allow you unless you can recicle sprites’ parts to make it have less datas.

This is just an old question, from before it was easily possible. GB Studio added official support for sprites bigger than 16x16 a decent amount of time after this thread was even made.

Yeah. I noticed because of a DeviantArt/YouTube user who made a game using the latest GB Studio update.