"Gourmet pace to Tower's Top": rouge-like in weight-gain theme (SMALL DEMO)

Hello everyone. I’m DreamProject, and I’d like to share with you my game what I’ve created in RPGMaker MV. “Gourmet Pace to Tower’s Top” is a rouge-like game in weight-gain themes. Three ladies want to escape Reversed Tower, what can be abble if they reach it’s last floor. But this is hard task - to went through Reversed Tower you should be strong and mighty. Luckly, for our heroines phrase “You are what you eat” is literal - the more treats they’ll consume, the stronger they’ll becme, the closer the end of their jounery will be…

This is small demo-version of game, what have enough content to, I hope, entartain you for couple of hours. I’d be glad, if you share your opinion, healthy criticizm and ideas about how to make this project better; as well as if you tell me about founded bugs.

WARNING #1: This game was translated in English both with my own hands and with machine translation, so I’m deeply sorry, if you find some non-English parts, as well as grammatically wrong ones. Please, tell me about those missings if you find them.

WARNING #2: This game contains AI-generated images, so be warned if you don’t like them. AI-sprites for monsters were genereted by talented Nukeissss; so visit their DeviantArt page if you liked sprite work: https://www.deviantart.com/nukeissss

Here are some Screenshots of “Gourmet Pace to Tower’s Top”, to show you something from game:

You cand download the game from MEGA: 480.63 MB file on MEGA

I wish you pleasant time.


I don’t know if I’m missing something, but, the characters barely do any damage? Like, I can’t get past the first boss because he outpowers me and my healing. And the movement speed is extremely slow, and feels like a slog to get from point A to point B.

  1. Do you eat foods you can see anywhere to characters? If you collect at least half of food on every floor, you should be abble to pass flying muscle boss if not from first, but from second try. Althrough, some food can decreace characters key stats, but it’s not so crytical for first stage. Also, do you open chests? There can be Universal Keys in there, what can give acess to more food.
  2. Try turn on “Always dash” command in options. I made heroines not so fast on purpose, so there is a chance of accident battle with monsters, but maybe I did it not quite correctly. Your words about speed taken into account, I’ll see how can I improve it.
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Honestly? No. I stopped collecting food when it took forever to get to places, and when enemies take way too long to kill. For example with the slimes, Linda and Diana do so little damage to start, if Victoria gets forcefed, it slows down the battle to a crawl.

Also, I feel the healing is underpowered? It’s hard to tell, but, I feel like spending 20MP to get 40HP back, and it takes a while to build up EP to get MP back, is a bit much.

  1. Well, it’s the main thing of game. The only way (at least one of few) to increase stats is eating foods. Different foods will increase various stats, so you have to chose who will be fed. I thought, it was obvious from OP or from game prologue. But I can understad, if you had troubles with movement speed, you’d hate to explore floors. Did “Always Dash” command helped you?
    Also about slimes, Victoria is physical damager (in first times), and slimes has resists to physic. so it’s wiser to use Diana’s magic skills.
  2. Healing skill depends on character’s luck and target’s Max. HP, and Linda is more powerfull healer. On tests me and my friends could heal about 150 HP in first stages, but, again, it depends from stats.

It is obvious, but having to dance around enemies and my lack of getting keys, it’s really hard to get at food. The Always Dash command did not help, I use a mouse for control which always dashes to begin with, and the speed is still very slow.


I don’t want to be rude, but maybe it’s your personal opinion? I tried game once more, and I personally find the speed quite acceptable (if Always Dash command is turned on) - not too fast to simply run around all monsters and other events (but this is still possible), but not too slow to be boiled up from anger and unpatience, at least I thought so.

But, again, I heared you, and if there will be more complaints about low speed, I’ll fix them and made heroines faster. After all, it’s impossible to get everythging angelicly perfect from first attempt, right? :slight_smile:


You should put this game on itch.io so people can see the page, updates, and downloads just like the other rpgs that the other game developers did.

Not rude at all, no worries. :slight_smile: Looking forward to where this game goes, either way, enjoying the characters and story so far.

the “always dash” is a joke, the characters move far too slow on the map

If you think, that chars moves TOO SLOW, then use this small fix I made just now. Just put those map files in /data folder of game, and heroines will move faster - I hope so. Speed increaser will work after start of new game or after rebirth at Heart.

GPTTT_SpeedIncreaser.zip (16.7 KB)

But, as I said, I think modified speed is a little bit too fast to comfortable game and floors exploration. Try it yourself and tell me, I’m really interesting.

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The speed feels better. I understand wanting the movement to be a bit slower so that the exploration feels more meaningful instead of just going so fast. The increased speed is a little jarring after going from the old one.
I still think it fits the genre better to have a higher speed, given that you are supposed to replay the game a lot for progress. The slow speed didn’t bother me much at first but it definitely made the game drag a little the second play through.

Might be worth it to experiment more the find just the right feel gameplay wise. I think the faster speed works way better for it being a Demo. The slower speed might work a bit better when there is more things to think about during the full game.