Grain to Gain: A Pseudo-3D Game

not relay since all you would need to do is normalize the directional inputs and then use those numbers instead. I think most game engines have a normalize function because of how useful it is and it’s not hard to do even if the engine doesn’t

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And now for an update you may like or not…
:drum: Drumroll

Basically Something (V0.2)

:new: What's New?

  • 360 character rotation
  • Options accessible from the pause menu
  • New options (Military time and camera rotation speed)
  • Keybinding is now saveable
  • Language option! :us:
  • Web links that lets you get connected with other games I’ve made and to where you can help support me
  • Text Boxes!

:cry::crying_cat_face: Something's missing...
Just glancing through the list you can see that I did not mention character customization as a feature. Because sadly I’m delaying it in favor of getting the game’s main mechanics hammered out. I’ll try developing it in my spare time (since my college semester started and oof, one free day better than last semester), but I’ll mainly be focusing on the main mechanics so a game loop can become applicable. Apologies for any of you who were interested and hopeful for the character customization. I got major parts developed, so implementing it will be faster (the bright side of this long awaited update).
The main problem is that I’m having trouble creating the voxel sprite so that it would look appealing. I’ll post images and trials of them, hopefully within the near future I’ll get it to look perfect and then we’ll all be in trouble since I’ll go turbo on content creation. XD

:checkered_flag: Goal for next update:
The next update will be focused on environmental development. Mainly the logic behind walls and stairs so the player can enter a building rather than run around gray creates all day. Not much is planned for this update, so hopefully I’ll be picking up the slack that was dealt in the previous update, so I hope your ready for my: Open House .

:bookmark_tabs: More detailed report
If you’d like to see me go into a bit more detail, come check out this Devlog here where you can also quickly download the files.

Thank you for your time, have a nice and safe day!


I finally put up a small tutorial on how to use the new language option, so please check out How to make and use the language feature. As well I encourage anyone that can help translate the game from english to another language (spanish, italian, french, lolspeak, smol bean pup speak, L33TSP34K, whatever language you want to change it to) I would highly encourage this!
It may not be used as much as I’d hope, but providing the option now would help folks down the road if they’d like to play it but have trouble with english speaking. I will likely improve this in the near future so it will be easier to work with and provide more customization. (Such as custom flags :triangular_flag_on_post:)

Thank you for your time, have a nice day


So since your remaking it will you also expand on thing like the Skill tree? having more jobs and job skills would be nice.
and what about things like Buying property (player starts in small appartment and can buy bigger home or buy businesses for more money)

I swear your like a carpenter, hitting the nail on the head left and right. I’ve been outlining how the skill tree and what perks in the skills do what. Some are upgradeable (buy multiple times to increase benefit) while a few are one time only (buy once, but have a higher cost).
I’ll be reintroducing the skills, locations, and jobs that the previous one had. And I always intended for more jobs to become available, but I wanted to give each one their own minigame so players may be better at one job than another.
As for job skills, there was a facsimile of it in the original where it would keep track of how high of a job level you held at a location. But I can see where you can acquire on the job training and skills from that job. That would persuade the player to try each job to obtain various skills that are exclusive to that job.
As for housing, I was going to set up the buildable property before the apartment since story-wise it would make more since that you are given an apartment rather than a property with a house on it. (Though I may make the apartment before so I can create the game loop sooner).
Having your own business is also another idea rattling in my head, but it likely take longer to develop that feature since I would have to first set up the economy, which will probably take several updates. Not to mention the several layers in the business logic (employees and their skill levels, price adjustments, methods of advertising [flyers, mail, posters, ?billboard], seasonal influence [Yes, seasons is a goal for this game], etc). So the business location is on the back burner until I get more of the core mechanics hammered out and more content added.

:spiral_notepad:On another note, I may have figured out the player model so the player customization will come back around for this update hopefully. (I will likely need to update the model, since the head is like a TV right now :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: )

:spiral_notepad::spiral_notepad: Here’s a little more detail on the Stamina bar’s plans (Since I feel like sharing). The bar will act more like LoZ:BotW and similar games that have Stamina. It will NOT send you back to bed if you decide to stay up late, but your Stamina’s max size will reduce and stamina recovery will be slower to reflect fatigue. Fatigue is planned to be implemented when beds are also implemented.
Perks in the “Speed” skill will allow you to move faster and/or reduce cost of Stamina consumed when running.

Thank you for your time, have a nice and safe day!


Suggestion that just popped in my head.
legal and Illegal jobs. legal jobs are of course the normal jobs while the illegal jobs are risky but better paying jobs. and you can have Both kind of jobs. I can be a tech worker that hacks on the side kind of thing. would have its own smaller skill system (more like stealth and stuff while other job skills affecting the end result. skilled tech work can hack but might not be the best at not getting caught with out good stealth)

note I would say the first level of the job (it would be a pick a target type with a general risk and skill level) would be mostly to raise that SECURITY skill or something like that. it would help keep you from getting caught and in said first job getting caught just losses the money for said job. with higher level targets leading to worse outcomes



I have been working on adding character customizations, and so far I have added eyes as a customizable feature. I had to take a step back and remove side-view of the character since it did make it tricky to figure out how to do customization in both views. So for now the view will be in the angle view that you’d have during normal play. I’ll be working on a bit more custom items and redo the the character creator so users can customize the parts I HAVE rather then looking through all the menus they COULD potentially customize in.

I’m also working out a bit of platforming. As in, you can now jump in the game! I would like to allow players to walk up slopes, but right now it’s being a bit tricky. I have coyote time and jump buffer in mind, but currently the game will not be a “Platformer”, I added jumping so the player can move around obstacles and test slopes. I also reworked how input is calculated, in light of me adding some controller support. It is not fully implemented yet (player cannot move via left analog stick, camera uses static values no matter how far you press the right analog stick, most buttons are mapped, no button mapping option yet) so its getting integrated into the system, it’s just taking a while since I only have about 1 or 2 days a week to work on my game…

Also, you can buy me a ko-fi if you’d like! I would also like to implement mouse interactions with the menus so you don’t have to keep swapping between mouse and keyboard for the menus items (Like the main menu and options).

Thank you for your time and support, have a nice and safe day!


What do the new eye options look like?


Debugged a bit to get all of them, thank you.


They’re not high, it is just the red tinting I used on them. I’ll make sure the coloring stops this before release, and I will likely make pupils customizable as well so there can be a degree of eye movement :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
Last one is supposed to be a “goat”-pupil. I’ll most likely be playing around with the eye customizations first since they seem to be working with me pretty easily. Maybe some creepypasta “black-sclera-red-iris” potential as well XP


Do you have an agenda for what you plan to work on next?

hey what did you think of the whole Illegal jobs thing I posted a while ago?
just asking

I do have a list of set goals, that sometimes fluctuates on whether I can do an item on it properly or if I need to delay it. But generally this form makes it easier for me to reach milestones. So I’ll aim on getting a release out once I have the main what I wanted to achieve for this update done, which is adding thin walls so the world doesn’t look like a block-build game. After that I’ll get back on the rails and clean up what is needed (controller support fully integrated, additional options added, and mousable menus).

I can kind of see where you’re going with the legal/illegal job system, having additional income that has a large payload the more risky it is with a subset skill for it. Maybe it could be executed via a random quest generator for doing some dirty deeds (I mean, routing money from an online bank account seems like something players could do). Have some kind of crime system for the worse outcomes (weight gain in prison setting anyone?).
With the Stealth mechanic (did I mention this one?) I thought you could just bother neighbors by sneaking into their homes, steal their food, loose change, hide their keys sort of shenanigans. It could increase a burglar job skill that lets you infiltrate higher security areas, such as a store’s storage room, shoplifting a fancy jewelry store, or something else.
I know your more asking about maybe hacking into a government facility and find some kind of experimental serum that turns you into a heavy-set-80-story-tall-hungry-kaiju that then goes to ravage the city, eating everything in site until they can administer an antidote that has the side effect of returning you to size, but retaining all the weight you obtained. Then the government brings you in for quarantine/imprisonment for breaching a high security facility but allow you to participate in experiments such as AR-cat robots, which are androids that you control with a VR system, that you later hack into so you can allow them to fatten up by consuming electronics that also gives them upgrades. Depending on the upgrades is what part of the catbot that fills out nicely. And something, something, something, etc. To be honest, I have no clue where I was going with that story, mostly ad libbed, lol.
Anyways, it will be a while before Stealth even gets implemented. But I have added it to my list so I can think more on it. Maybe think of something more easier than the hack-analogy I created XP

Thank you for your time, have a nice and safe day!


the hacking was mostly just a example. and please at somepoint do your Adlib story. becuase it sounds hell of fun.
though I kind of feel you should LOSE weight in prison. I mean the name and it being on this site makes me think you want to gain weight.

Since its been awhile, I’ve just made a snapshot of the current build. You’ll be able to download it on my Patreon for FREE!
The current build allows small customizations to the character. To use them, go to head tab then eyes tab to play with what you can do. It has a basic color function that uses hex values. [Space] is used to jump and [C] is used to center camera behind the player.
There are still bugs to be worked out, I just thought you’d all may like to see how it is right now. I have made a build for both Windows and Linux. When the game reaches Alpha state, I will be locking any future snapshot builds for my Patreons.
Thank you for your support and time, have a nice and safe day!