I really appreciate all the responses and learning where the meta of the game actually lies. Full disclosure is that I hadn’t fully played the game myself, only parts to ensure that they were functioning. Though I still have questions as I could have borked up some mechanics.
In the current jam version, when prestiging with a royal imp to obtain their coin, did the “Slot Machine” unlock for you? And if so, what’s your opinion about it?
Also, how many of you knew that the red/green bar represented their chance of success along with their “experience points”? I know it might be an arbitrary question, but I’m still curious if some thought success/failure was completely random, or if they understood that it stood for success rate?
The upgrades weren’t fine tuned as well as I’d like them as you and most players could probably tell that their incremental rate is pretty linear. But I’m glad I got the early cheap game to be an easy hill, as it could have been pretty bad with large brick wall costs. I wanted players to mostly feel like they could make progress even after a short run.
Brimstone was intended to be a “hard to obtain” resource… Buuut as I mentioned with small linear increments of cost, I suppose I made the soul purchasing power of Brimstone bonuses too cheap.
I know the game doesn’t explain it well, but any time it refers to COIN it means the Royal Coins you get, not GOLD which is money. The Double Coin Chance to clarify is the chance that Royal Coins on prestiging are doubled, so you increase your chances to get x2 King Coins instead of just x1, and it extends to all Royals.
Though I’d have to agree with your evaluation, that as it stands now Royals are more trouble than they’re worth. Though I got a couple new ideas for why you may want to obtain Royals besides their Coins.
Whoops! I suppose that loop hole needs to be patched as that’s not intended. Summoning/Dismissing rank 6s for infinite supplies was not intended X’D Then again, my fault for not giving thorough testing of multiple mechanics and how they relate to one another ^^; And obtaining ~2000+ souls each run?! I was originally going to have 20 stages of fat that increment by 100 souls, and you’d of cleared it within one run XD
Based on everyone else’s mentioning too, gold seemed to be meaningless at a point with how easy it started to come by. Perhaps I should tweak gold costs a little and see if gold becomes more valuable
I should really use my Associates in Mathematics for something like this XD
When judging is over, I’ll take time to try to rebalance things and flesh out mechanics that were dropped and/or minimally implemented. I think I want to take it more into a strategic idle/clicker, as I really enjoyed the early game micro decisions of “should I wait for these imps to tick then try, or see if I get lucky and go with it” or “which imp should I revive first?”. I do want to continue the trend of “unlock a new thing when least expected and expand game play”, as it allows players to ease into the expanding mechanics that build and play with other pre-existing or even create new goals of play.
One other big feature I’d like to add is the settings menu, but also if accessed from the title screen then it would have a clear save file option as it could help me (and play testers) quickly refresh from the start in case of major changes that old save data could just obliterate with +2k souls at the ready XD
Again, I have been greatly appreciative of the feedback as it lets me learn where the game’s current meta lies and where its has the most problems/weakest features. Thank you all <3