Grokiogatcha (Upcoming WG Tamagotchi Inspired Game)

Hello everyone welcome to another upcoming game I have planned grokiogatcha remember the oh so popular game Tamagotchi and other ideas before and after Tamagotchi well this game is highly inspired by it and will be developed will the clickteam fusion engine grokiogatcha is a game where nothing happens in one day now it the first before you will be able to play you have to pick your time mode which your choices will be either game time mode or real time mode if you choose game time mode everything you do in this game will only take affect on the second day in the game not an actual second day everything you do will always take affect on the next day in game but if you choose real time mode everything thing you do will only happen this next day in real life time so you would have to wait till tomorrow literally basically you create your own grokiogatcha to take care of and than you will be able to do soooo much the possibilities are endless you can get as fat as you want you can get as buff as you want you can completely turn him/her into a complete slob in many different ways and so much more you will be able to do there will be plenty to do in this game you will never get bored there will be a planned online multiplayer option in the future where you and your friends grokiogatchas can meet up and do all sorts of stuff together so how excited for this upcoming game are you stay tuned for more on this game here and on my discord


I’m already starting the work on the pre development 1 so far I finished the main menus background and titles and subtitles but not finished with the main menu yet I still have to add fully functional buttons to the main menu once I’m finished with the main menu I will share photos of the main menu here

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Also Do you want to be the first ones to know everything and much more about grokiogatcha or do you just have many questions about grokiogatcha than join my discord here and you will more likely know everything about grokiogatcha

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This is what the main menu will look like for now

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Great interest

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