That particular thing has been annoying me for a while, I’ve been going around with each update trying to fix any cosmetic mistakes, I’ll try to see if I can finally nail that one.
Cool. Since we’re talking about touching up cutscenes, I’ll note that the canned laughter on the kidney gag is weirdly low volume. I presume it’s because you have the Boss speaking over it with the follow-up but it still seems off to me.
v0.8 is up on the Patreon! Details in OP. GutBuster (v0.8 on Patreon)
Bumping for v0.9!
Downloadable demo appears to be broken, this error shows up on launch.
Which version is this?
Demo for v0.9, works just fine on browser though.
Windows version or Linux?
I have that problem too. It’s the version 9 windows executable.
A few bugs to report with v0.9.21:
- The cell wall bug money glitch still seems prevalent. For this to work you need to use cell wall and let a size 2 or 3 (ideally 3) food hit you. Something about both the instantaneous splitting and damage being applied creates this weird additive effect where it not only kills everything but produces a crapton of lipids.
I started level 10 with 26 lipids, I got over 1k thanks to a lucky cell wall and slamming into a couple of big food pieces. I hope the below screenshots conveys that from the modest stats that 1.2k lipids at this early stage really isn’t feasible without shenanigans. It’s only really prevalent early on when the cell wall attack strength can one-shot most things, even size 2 and 3 foods. At later stages the food numbers quickly outscale the damage output of the cell wall so the glitch drops off.
- Playing with a controller, upon hitting A immediately upon the level completion brings you straight into the shop while having the cutscene and its music play at the same time.
(I’ll add to this as I continue testing. Patreon commenters have already touched upon the green face issue from the last release so I’ll confirm if it’s still prevalent when I get there)
Not exactly a bug, but upon completion of the final stage, it probably isn’t necessary for the Scientist to pop up with game tips after the final stage cutscene. Perhaps a simple congratulations, or fun facts about Rebbecca being the many thousands of pounds she is, ha.
Weird. Upon hitting “End” after completing level 40, it gets stuck and continues climbing up the levels. There are no enemies and it instant wins (victory shower of lipids) but it keeps going
(this can be fixed by closing and restarting the game and continuing - goes straight to the endgame cutscene).
The final End button screen can be spam pressed multiple times. Doesn’t do much but a bug is a bug.
Spam-clicking during the endgame cutscene causes the sound to hang pretty annoyingly.
Still have the overlapping effects triggering in the Theater Mode. It’s fun how the different expressions carry over
Thanks for bringing this to my attention. I was aware of the cell wall lipid bug and the Theater animation glitches, but I wasn’t aware of the button spamming issues at all, probably because I didn’t think to try that while testing it myself.
The buttons in the Menu and Shop are NOT supposed to be usable while the “Sliding” animations are playing. When I looked into the problem, I discovered it was an issue with Godot itself. The menus are composed of Godot’s “button” nodes, and they work via mouse clicks by default. For manual selection via directional button controls, it uses a prebuilt “Focus” feature. I had it so that when the menu and shop “slates” are moving, the buttons were set to “Disabled.” The thing was, while it made them unclickable with the mouse, they could still be operated with the buttons because, for some stupid reason, the Focus feature IGNORES the Disable feature, so I had to use both Disable and turning the Focus feature off and on manually via code. After hours of trial and error, I corrected the issue with a “sliding” Boolean state and make sure the buttons were disabled, for both controller/keys and mouse, while the menus were moving.
I also figured out what was the issue with the cell wall and fixed, and even improved it. To have the shield do 4X damage I set it so when the target enters the shield’s collision area I had a loop set off the targets’ “take damage” function four times. Dumb idea. While it did do four times the damage, if it was lethal damage, it would bring up the targets’ “destruction” function FOUR TIMES. And if it was a bigger target splitting in half, it would repeat that four times, causing EIGHT smaller targets to appear, which were likely to also be instantly destroyed since they overlapped the shield, which is why it dropped a crazy amount of lipids. So I implemented two corrections: First, I had the shield do the “Damage” function once and just added a command to do an additional 3X damage subtracted. Second, and this is the biggest change, I added a command to subtract the targets’ vertical linear velocity, causing it to have a slight bounce off the shield on contact. This will prevent the target from actually entering the shield do it doesn’t overlap, and makes it easy to tell what’s actually happening, while also rebalancing the item. It’s still the most powerful one though.
For the levels going beyond 40, I noticed that it was coded to have the “End” button in place of the “Start” button at that level, but the thing is it’s not a different button, it’s still “Start”, I just changed the graphic. I had it go to the ending upon pressing when the “Current Level” singleton variable was equal to 40, so I changed to go to the ending if the level is equal OR grater than 40. I also set it so that the scientist cutscenes no longer appear.
I haven’t fixed the issues with the Theater Mode just yet, but I’m pretty sure it’s just a matter of putting the reset function before the animations so they play correctly. I still plan to polish them so there are less bugs.
Anyway, these changes should be in the 0.9.3 patch which I hope to get done and up by tomorrow.
Thanks for your help and keep a lookout for more bugs!
The Steam page is up, go Wishlist the game!
Quick update: there’s still some last-minute things I have to deal with before release, but the demo has been approved, so you can now play it on Steam!
Do saves work? I got a freeze, but when I reload the game, there was only a new game button (goodbye an hour and half of farming)
Saves do work for me, but my experience isn’t gonna be the same as everyone else’s. Can you go into more detail? When did it freeze? Which version, Windows/Linux? IT could be that maybe the save data files aren’t being written? If you need to find the save files, I actually split them into three different files: (saves the game progress) GBsettings.ini (saves the options settings) and (saves the achievement data)
The game releases (for $4.99 USD) on January 27th. The demo is up on Steam, with an achievement exclusive to this version! V0.9.6 is up on the Patreon, and I plan to give keys for the final version to supporters who get in at $3+ or higher before the launch date. (I have some already, but still I can’t guarantee them before launch day, and higher tiers will get first dibs.)
It was right between game over and a new round start, in second act, about 7-8 stage (or second-third stage im the act). Version 0.9.6 Windows 64. Not sure about files, I have only these, and the bottom one seems cant be open (for me at least).
The game is now released on and Steam!
Thank you all so much for your continued support over the last 8-or-so months while I was engaged in this project. It’s easily the biggest thing I’ve ever done, and I enjoyed my time developing it and hope to make more content for this game and hopefully future games and projects.
All of the betas have been taken down from Patreon and itch, only the release and post release versions will be available from now on. All the posts here regarding development are now public. I hope you don’t mind, but now if you wish to access the game, and you haven’t made a pledge during the development phase, it will no longer be $3, but $4.99 to buy a digital copy. But if you DID pledge…
- **Supporter Keys:**Earlier I said that I’d contact everyone who contributed at least $3 since August, but I realized I’d had started earlier than that, so I decided to extend that cutoff to those of you who contributed April 12th, 2024 to January 26th, 2025. I should have already sent DMs to everyone eligible to inquire for your free key to the release version of the game. Please keep in mind that the game is on both itch and Steam, but for the sake of security, I will only send one key, so be sure to DM me back with which version you would like!
- GutBuster Official SoundtrackAs you may know, I personally made all the music for the game. I have collected all of it into a digital album that’s 100% free for all to download on various platforms. It comes bundled with the Steam version of the game (though due to a screwup during submission it will be unlocked on January 31st) but I also made it a free download on the itch page for the game and on Bandcamp, under the “label” RoyalJellySOUNDwich. It’s over 12 minutes of music covering stages, incidental events, and even the cutscenes!
- **What now?**Well, right now I kinda don’t want to even look at a coding screen for a while, I’m just gonna handle the release and promotion for this game, getting the keys out, and most importantly, catching up on commissions and rewards I’ve been owing since I started this project. To all of you I’ve kept waiting, sorry I’ve been so selfish. I just haven’t been able to concentrate on them and remained hyper-focused for months on this game, but I feel that now I’ve gotten it out of my system I feel like i can get back to drawing. As for what comes later for the game, I’d like to make free updates (already have some ideas for a survival mode) but I’m probably only gonna bother if the game sells well.
This is the demo version, which doesn’t save progress. I’m not sure why it freezes though. I’m in the process of updating the demo to Version 1.0, as soon as the issues I’m dealing with are cleared. As for that second file, that’s the .PCK file, which is where the game’s files (graphics, sound, script,etc.) are stored. It’s not meant to be accessed.
Consider me one of your first sales i loved the game and i followed every beta news, i couldn’t support you on patreon but i surely going to buy your game on steam!!