Hello friends, some of you know me from Heavy Adventure. This is a small side project I started a week ago but I guess you guys will like it. Feel free to leave a comment, also I am open to new ideas.
Just checked this game out! It definitely looks intriguing from the getgo - the mystery in the storyline has grabbed my attention, and I’m looking forward to finding out more about it.
Only downside is, I didn’t get very far on that front because I keep forgetting to read the messages in the first room, and there’s no way to re-enter it once you’ve left, which left restarting as my only way to get back to them. So I figured I’d drop in here and offer that as a suggestion - I’d like to be able to go back into those first two rooms from the weighing area.
Another feature that would be really nice is if the protagonist could eat food immediately when she finds it. The process of eating it all from your inventory is fairly tedious, and the kind of thing that’s going to aggravate my RSI in a real hurry.
on top of the recommendation to make all eating automatic, there is a semi-common softlock where the feeders will get stuck in 1 by 1 corridors when they are in pairs and will refuse to move, because the rear one wants to go to the end but cant because the first is there
I seem to have a problem. I don’t know if it’s normal. I seem to be stuck in the second loop. The bread in the left room constantly respawn, and no matter how much I eat it, I never move on to the next part of the game. I went as far as 100kg, but nothing. I looked everywhere and ate all the other food, so I don’t think it’s that the problem.
Ah, thank you. I didn’t know I needed to lay down on the bed. In the first loop, you just needed to eat all the food and gain a certain amount of weight before walking on the circle in the center, so I thought it was the same thing here.
I would rather make more games and try different stuff, it doesn’t mean I will abandon my first projeects.
At first I would like to try and look what works and what does not work. I want to make a LifeSim, a HorrorGame, etc.