Here to help and get some experience

Hey everyone!
I’m looking for projects that need assistance with writing and programming! I’m trying to get some experience developing games as that is the career field that I would like to eventually join. Programming wise I have experience in Python. Writing wise I took creative writing in high school and actually won a screen play competition in the class, so I hope that is a noteworthy enough achievement to interest you.
If you’d like to get in contact with me, my discord is BigJesus69#9487
Thank you for your time and I hope you consider me for help on a current or future project!
Also if you just want to chat or play games over discord that’s cool too :slight_smile:

In the upper right hand corner there’s a discord icon, you can use it to join the official discord for the site, it’s pretty lively, people talk about coding and games creation all the time.