Heroes on a Budget - Development Back on Track

cant wait for the demo


Had some upload issues last night, and today is the day Iā€™m traveling. Itā€™ll have to come out tommorow once I have time and access to a computer. Sorry for the delay, I tried everything I could last night given how much time I had.


its ok your doing your best you can do


Iā€™m still trying to get it out, but more problems came up with my laptop not recognizing the forum or Megaā€™s
web certificates for whatever reason. So Iā€™m thinking of putting it on Itch.io. I havenā€™t had much time to myself yet and Iā€™m still getting settled in. One day soon, itā€™ll come out. Sorry once again.


You have probably problem with all Letā€™s Encrypt certificates, as three months ago expired previous version of certificate of certificate authority.

You may not have new certificate installed, or you have new and old certificate installed and use some older version of TLS(SSL) library, that do not choose the new one to validate the certificate of the web site.


Here it is, the unfinished demo that should have been out a week ago! This is mostly for the break-in minigame, but you can look around the map Iā€™ve gotten done so far as much as you like. Please let me know of any bugs or perceived bugs you find so far.


I found while playing you can still see Opheliaā€™s sprite even when switching to Claire.


The game demo tends to not pay for sometimes when I work on the next day is a bug I found

Also the symbol that teleports goes away randomly

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If Iā€™m understanding you correctly, payment is supposed to be given to you at the end of the day instead of immediately after you agree to the job. That little teleporter in your room is also meant to only appear for Ophelia. Thanks for reporting, even if they arenā€™t bugs, itā€™s very helpful for letting me know what I need to explain more clearly for the real release.

Not sure if this is a bug or intentional for the demo, but when i enter the big mansion like house i get send to the inn.


im saying it doesnt pay at the next day

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and the symbol disappeared randomly for the silver hair at some point when she got pudgy

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Was it during the placeholder scene where it said ā€œOphelia pudgyā€ or was it when you could move around?

Also what job didnā€™t payout for you when it should have, or is it a general issue?

Is the studing systems on? On the demo or itā€™s to be implemented later?


Sort of. You need Ophelia to be level 3 first, and then you step on the blue ring in your inn room when playing as her in town. Go inside and go to the Element school and talk to the receptionist. I believe fire and earth (fire for sure) have the studying code itself working, but you wonā€™t learn any new spells yet. You can also walk around the fire and water spell rooms by touching the statues.


Since some time has passed since the demo, I had a question concerning the difficulty of the break-in mini game. Basically, I want to gauge the opinion going forward with it on how hard it was and if you found the tutorial NPC.

  • Way too easy, didnā€™t find tutorial
  • A bit too easy, didnā€™t find tutorial
  • Difficulty was about right, didnā€™t find tutorial
  • A bit too hard, didnā€™t find tutorial
  • Way too hard, didnā€™t find tutorial
  • Way too easy, found tutorial
  • A bit too easy, found tutorial
  • Difficulty was about right, found
  • A bit too hard, found tutorial
  • Way too hard, found tutorial

0 voters

For those that didnā€™t find the tutorial heā€™s in the well next to market at night, heā€™s wearing a hood.


New icons for the weight gain states. Sorry about the quality of the images, the background color is the same as the place holder In the demo.


yo, I just played this demo and I gotta say I really like it! thereā€™s a lot of potential here! Really like how the bridge-break scene changes depending on whoā€™s too fat to cross. That leads into my main feedback, which is that interactions between party members is great here, and it would add a lot if there was more of them. So often you can see your fellow fighters out in the world, but you canā€™t talk to them (or tease them about their weightā€¦)! I think that would be a good thing to focus on.

Also, apparently there are a few other quests, like the measurement quest? also, the sprite woods entry quest just didnā€™t work for me, the will route door doesnā€™t work and the bridge route just leads you back to the beginning of the bridge route. Great stuff overall!


Glad you liked the demo :slight_smile: . I do intend to write more dialogue between the characters, I just havenā€™t gotten around to it yet. When you see their sprites around town while working, resting, after eating etc. you will be able to talk them eventually, with different dialogue based on their weight and some tweaks based on the current characters weight (sometimes).

The Sprite Woods canā€™t be entered just yet since I havenā€™t made them. Youā€™ll be able to go there after finishing the Hollow dungeon (also not done yet).

Really impressed with the demo so far.

One question for whoever can answer it; what is the most effective way to get the heroes to put on weight, because Iā€™ll admit, Iā€™m at kind of a loss. Nothing, whether working in town or grinding out in the field, seems to have enough of a return to make it a worthwhile path to a growing party.

Any and all help will be appreciated. And as I said, I do really like what I see so far. Thereā€™s a lot of potential here, and I canā€™t wait to see more.