
It doesn’t seem like the graphics should be too much for my PC, I can’t figure out why I can’t run it but watching the playthrough posted this seems like a really cool conscept Would you be willing to have it runable on the web? Instead of having to Download it but anyway seems like a great game jam game for sure! The art is certainly good!

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running on what version of os x? Im also on a macbook air -15, trying to run the application just says it’s damaged

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maybe try redownloading it if you haven’t already, im running OSX 11.4 i tend to not update my computers until i have to.

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Most people are still on Mojave because Big Sur has a lot of issues, maybe make it backwards compatible?

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I have has less bugs in big sur than high serra or mojave, if there is something in Mojave that breaks the application that is an apple issue and there is nothing i can do to fix that. It’s not that i wont try it’s that i can’t try due to how apple does things. I’m not wiping my laptop to downgrade into an OSX that i hated. So like the guy who had issues with windows 7 said, “these are the risks you take by running old software”

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Hoho, almost 100 likes thank you all ^^


I wonder when the result will be release ^^;


Yeah, there’s a lot to be said for good graphics in a fetish game. Doesn’t need to be realistic, just needs to be visually appealing.


First Round Scores

Jux Score

Category Total
Game Runs: 500
Use of Theme: 500
Art: 89
Writing: 0
Music & Sound: 79
Mechanics: 86
Game Concept 86
Use of Fetish 84
Judge Preference: 76
Total: 1500

Grimimic Score

Category Total
Game Runs: 500
Use of Theme: 500
Art: 90
Writing: 75
Music & Sound: 90
Mechanics: 85
Game Concept 80
Use of Fetish 90
Judge Preference: 95
Total: 1605

Squirrel Score

Category Total
Game Runs: 500
Use of Theme: 500
Art: 90
Writing: 20
Music & Sound: 84
Mechanics: 70
Game Concept 80
Use of Fetish 75
Judge Preference: 85
Total: 1504

Final Score: 4609


Well here some more fanart for HoneyCombat of the Centurion trying the honey for her units out, it seems to have some good effects x3

Also Congrats on Getting 4th Place in Gain Jam, I knew at less this game was going to be in the top 5 ^^


Daww, that’s so nice, I love her! Thank you very much!


You’re very welcome!! ^^

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Grotlover2 Score

Category Total
Basics: 20000
Art: 390
Writing: 175
Sound: 315
Concept/Design 1445
Msc: 190
Total: 22515


For such a simple concept I feel this is one of the most polished entries I have had the pleasure to play! It�s a fun (what I would describe as) strategy lite game that brings me back to the days of Armor Games. I love the design of the sprites and the transformation animations are quite well done. The unit variety is also quite nice as well. I also love how you need to transform the units after they spawn instead of just spawning them.

Unfortunately, the game feels a bit unresponsive at times mainly due to the fact that honey takes about a half a second to be able to be picked up after it hits the ground which resulted in me missing the bee I wanted to pick it up a few times. Along with that having to be so far forward to collect the pollen makes it hard to admire the well-done animations when the bees do pick up the honey.

All in all a very fun concept. Unfortunately, its one of those games that is so simple I am not sure how the game could really be improved outside of just adding more content.

Kilif Score

Category Total
Basics: 20000
Art: 385
Writing: 75
Sound: 255
Concept/Design 1470
Msc: 200
Total: 22385


Very polished entry with astonishing sprite/animation work and character design. Each bee type had a ton of visual personality, and the fetish was well executed through the various transformations. It kills me that this is not higher on the list, but the lack of a story and real writing beyond the well done tutorial is what held it back. Still, loved it, I have no complaints.


Art: 775

Writing: 250

Sound: 570

Design: 2915

Total: 44900


Thank ya for those review.

About the little delay on the honey dropped, it was made on purpose for one reason… We thought that if the honey could land directly on the unit it would count as direct control and therefor be out of the theme. We were unsure of how strict this rules would be apply so we added this just in case. If we update the game from now on, it will be the first thing to be remove.

As for the lack of story, obviously it was the sacrifice we made to focus fully on the gameplay. Our strategie from the start was betting everting on the gameplay and the visual and not loosing time with a story


This was a good approach, the love that was put into the gameplay and visuals are clear and very impressive.


A Reward for getting Community Favorite and 2nd Place

More fanart of Honeycombat x3


Nice! Thank you! You’ve been a great support so far, all of you! :yellow_heart:


Your Very Welcome! <3

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