Hotel sans fin (done)

I am trying to get this game in a working state as fast as possible. Hotel sans fin by boooooooooooox The game is about you getting trapped in a other dimension kind of like the back rooms.
steam 3


Ok when i first saw the name i immediately thought of Sans undertale. Jokes aside i am interested.


What’s the password?

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the password for the game is cool

Ok just did my last update to this game and added a secret boss.

Confusing, but not bad. (sadly have not beaten the game, i just explored.)

It feels like a nice lil concept that would work better in another context. Bonus point for going COMPLETLY for custom assets.

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What problems are you having with the game ?

Being a bit aimless. As someone who want to have a go at the various jam games, i gave a quick go until i died on my own term (shark pulling me in)

I understand that running out of cheese time will do something, i just haven’t given the time to the game to see its potential. The game jam itself feel like it causes a disservice for the time needed to learn how to progress. Going into it, putting a handful more save points could be helpful to give the player a sense of progress (I know they exist, i found the one next to shark girl)

Anyway, so far, you have peaked my curiosity and i would need to play a bit more to actually get somewhere.

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Did you get the stuff from the shop keeper ?

i did find the shop keeper, i had not bought anything yet since i was just exploring. I did get to fight in the shop XD

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