💜 Insatiable Hearts [v0.1.3B] - A monsterfucker+Weight gain Twine Game

Count me in too, Nico is right up my alley :blush:

(The promise of soft-inside gentle dom feeder and two dicks…kinda helps too…) :eyes:

Edit: also, skimming over things. May I ask what blob vs slime distinction is as far as the nomenclature in the transformations?


oh, okay, so, the slime TF stuff is more your typical sticky translucent slime person kind of transformations while “blob” is kind of a vague greasy gluttony monster form, slick rolls and weird meat and aqueous slug like features. It’s more on the body horror scale ~


Ooo, sounds intriguing. Thanks for clearing that up!


That blob transformation sounds interesting and unique.


Makes me think of some kind of like, lard/grease monster that just pins you down and fuses itself to you which is pretty nice as a concept~

Also makes me think of like, cursed/possessed fat, wanting to multiply its size inside of you, causing you to gain as much as possible from every opportunity it gets~


hehe, thats right on the money. The kindred of grease will be much like that, there’s already a taste of it where small fragments can be found clinging to the ruins. They’ll drop on your character and fuse into their fat, corrupting them if you don’t push it off.

but yeah the plan for them is essentially the player’s fat will take on a life of its own, squirming, demanding, corrupted ~


I want to see that play out in the game. Sapient, possessed body fat sounds like it could be an interesting transformation.

Nice nice, I can imagine that leading to some interesting interactions with the Living Larder, where your own fat forces you to join him as immobile blubber bank, with shenanigans unfolding from there~

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Version [0.1.1E] is now public! I kind of almost forgot to release this outside of my patreon lol. I was hoping I’d have Version [0.1.1F] done by now, but alas, you all have been patient.

Current Public Version:
Insatiable Hearts V0.1.1E PUB.zip (427.6 KB)

I’m hoping to have V[0.1.1F] out to supporters soon ~

And for simplicity:

Click Here For v0.1.1E's ChangeLog

Version [0.1.1E] - (07/03/22)


  • Adjusted character creation and added new options, like presentation, clothing style, transness, facial hair, breast size and genital customization
  • Added two new body shapes, “bean” and “Strawberry”
  • Added facial hair options to character creation
  • Expanded upon the player character’s lower body descriptions and added arm fat factors to the game
  • Added descriptions for the player when they have various types of horns, ears, hands, noses and other parts
  • Factors related to the player character’s vice stats can now be adjusted in the character creation “custom traits” page, this is still a work in progress, but one can adjust their starting gluttony, lust, greed and other factors.
  • Added status effect “mutagen” which raises mutagen levels over time
  • When the mutagen bar reaches 100% It’ll now trigger a mutation event, different types of mutagens can be picked up from encounters & items, and then based on the mix will generate various transformations. Current mutation types are pig, cow, demon, slime and blob
  • Added an encounter to the swamps, finding dug up roots the player can search for items ranging from money, onions, potions and a new truffle item.
  • Added item “Hog-Maker Truffle”, causes gluttony related effects and porcine mutagens, can trigger pig transformations
  • Added a flower grove encounter to the meadow where the player can talk with a milk-maiden and get transformative sap. If the player’s bust or body fat increases noticeably, the milk maiden will comment on it next the player returns.
  • Added item “Horned-Mother’s Milk”, causes lactation and breast enhancement and adds bovine mutagens, can trigger cow transformations
  • Added abandoned bonfire encounter to the shore region.
  • Added new item “Meat”, simple food item, aquired from the bonfire event
  • Added meat mine encounter to the Caldera region
  • Added new item “Mysterious Meat”, caused gluttony changes, mutagens and “blob” mutations; can be acquired from the “Meat mine”
  • Added new status effect, “waterlogged”, triggered by some mutations, makes the player permenantly sloshy. This is a cosmetic effect.
  • Added a new bar to the side panel, “fitness”, to reflect a new stat
  • Added status messages to reflect the characters fitness stats
  • Cleaned up Kip’s starting interactions and added her basic features, she has some starter dialog in her conversation options and has some scenes that play in her camp area. These all play a little different depending on how much weight she’s gained and how much affection she has for the player.
  • Kip can now be gifted the can-opener item, opening up a new scene where she can be encouraged or teased, additionally it changes kip’s eating habits
  • Kip can now be given weight-gain jelly triggering a new scene. This scene varies based on kips weight, connection to the player and her kink levels, all of which can be increased by the options in the through this repeatable event.
  • Added more levels to breast size and belly descriptions and rescaled how breast cupsize works
  • Added a new mining site encounter where ruins are mined for meat, the mystery meat can be taken and consumed
  • Added a new item, “mystery meat” which can cause “blob” mutations

x Fixed blonde hair showing up as colorless
x Fixed the white and black skintone options adding the true “white” or “black” color to the player instead of the skin tone variants
x Fixed the swirl effect toggle not working at points its supposed to
x Fixed Kip’s main interactions not having a back button
x Fixed mutation status messages falsely scaling with corruption instead in certain circumstances.
x Fixed status effect events not playing when in the meadow
x Fixed the wilderberry not being added to the inventory as its supposed to
x Fixed the medistation not returning to normal after it goes into its malfunctional state
x Fixed the random range function incorrectly using integers instead of floating points, causing some stats to apply 0 when numbers were small decimal point values

~The way the player’s muscle and fat weight is calculated has been adjusted slightly
~Base stomach capacity now scales with height. Bigger characters will naturally have larger organs, smaller characters, smaller organs.
~ Body shape distributions for all current shapes have been adjusted slightly to reduce the amount of weight gained in the face, neck and chest to be more realistic with the new descriptions
~The player can now go back to the inventory directly after using a mystery potion if so desired
~ modified some widgets to stop them from generating excess white space
~ encountering the blobby creature in the caldera and accepting its advance now triggers additional fattening over time as well as a rise in “slime” mutagens
~ Expanded debuging options to display more info and added transformation debugging
~ removed the arousal bar from the side panel as I don’t have a purpose for it yet
~ Swimming in the astral sea now raises fitness, it also gives some vitality gains
~ Alp fruit now applies mutagens when consumed
~ Finding the shore from the junkyard now has an option to stay at the shore instead of just heading to the swamp, harbor or back to the junkyard
~ breast tissue now properly calculates into total weight
~ Weight gain jelly can now be found in the random swamp crate
~ All regions now have a darkened box around the text to make it more easily read, further, the swamp, meadow, shore, junkyard and ruins region now have css generated backgrounds
~ Adjusted how hearts are displayed and calculated, 100 points with 10 point intervals
~ The player can now use items directly from their examination page
~ Examining Item’s now also lists their weight and calorie content.

Patch 1: - (07/05/22)

  • Added “triangle shape” a more extreme pear body shape option
  • Kip can now be fed meat and pickled centipedes in her gift giving menu. Kip now also has a fullness factor, when filled she can’t eat more until she’s allowed to rest or until the player teases her or encourages her to eat more.
  • Kip’s fullness factor is now described in her description.

x Fixed a test value messing up encounter rng for some regions
x Fixed Cow, Pig, Blob and Slime TF’s not properly including the chance of weight-gain in their transformation lineups
x Fixed wilderberry not being added to the inventory like it should
x Fixed an error in the stomach description that was causing small values to be displayed as disproportionately fat
x Fixed ear descriptions not displaying when they should
x Fixed the caldera slime accidently adding blob mutagens instead of slime mutagens
x Fixed the greed stat becoming corrupted in certain areas
x Fixed Kip’s size being described as “blobby” at the wrong size
x Fixed Kip’s campsite replaying the walking in scene when returing to her main interactions from a previous action
x Fixed being able to give kip multiple can-openers, repeating the event

Patch 2: - (07/06/22)

  • Moving through the gate to the old rainy town or back to the harbor now behaves a little different at larger body sizes.
  • The player now has a small chance of getting momentarily stuck in the doorway to the bar at extreme weight sizes

x The player can now head back to the harbor from the rainy town instead of heading back to Lexi’s camp
x Fixed the harbor area not being fully functional when accessed from the shore due to superfluous flags
x Fixed a number of areas of the game using fat value instead of fat tier to determine scene variation
x Fixed the Baronet’s intro replaying upon each meeting
x Fixed weight-gain triggered by slime or blob tfs sometimes resulting in a blank transformation scene
x Fixed Kip’s weight gain jelly scene not removing one from the player’s inventory, (sorry no infinite WG jellies for kip)

Patch 3: 07/10/22

  • Delphi can now be sold Alpfruit and hog-maker truffles, as with all items you sell to her she has a little commentary on the item
  • Pig and Blob Tfs now include stomach capacity increases
  • Added a new encounter to the Junkyard. A tank full of slime, activating it adds slime mutagens to the player

x Several events that didn’t pass time now should be passing time appropriately
x Fixed an issue with the mushroom events where a flag wasn’t being removed. The gluttony requirement for getting locked in has also been raised from 50 to 70
x Fixed some of Delphi’s item giving options not showing up even when the player had the item

~ Gaining an udder now increases the player’s weight accordingly
~ Transformations now lower tether. Tether still doesn’t do much yet though
~ The caldera slime now gives “blob” mutagens as was originally intended.
~ Items that can be sold to delphi now have their price value listed on their button


Liking the update so far. Just one question. How does the princess event work? They’ll tell me to head to the grass fields in the east but I have no idea where that is or how to get there. Tried going to the meadow but nothing happens.




i have also been trying to turn my character into a cow enough for whatever is suppose to happen but nothing is happening with the npc yet or anyone within the meadow after becoming mostly anthro cow

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@sasuga20000 Ah, apologies, the princess’ event isn’t written in yet. Just the little airship event. I’m planning to add that in down the line, I put the setup event in too early lol and then the princess stuff got put on the back burner while I worked on other things. A lot of the event’s are kind of in this state as I circle the various projects and flesh them out.

@maldy Not much happens yet, the commentary from the cow in the flower grove changes a bit if the player noticeably gains weight, increases breast size or gets cow parts. But it just a little extra dialog, no event happens yet and the monastery’s content isnt in yet. There will be more reactions down the line ~


I do gotta say I love how the story is coming along! Easily becoming a favorite of mine though I have a question, is there a way to find gifts or further the story with Kip? Just curious because she is super cute!

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Really enjoying the new content, especially the added robustitude in character creation. Being able to define myself as trans and still pick the body parts I want feels really good. The new TFs are a lot of fun as well, especially the descriptions of the character briefly losing themselves when a mutation causes them to gain weight.

I also found a few bugs, so here’s a document detailing those: Disroot Bin - Encrypted pastebin by PrivateBin

Overall, great stuff! Gonna mess around with it some more later.


This is really great - amazing work!

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@Lucifer5251 I’m glad you’re enjoying her! At the moment the only things that can be given to her are meat, pickled centipedes and the weight gain potion. Oh and the can-opener. Can-opener and wg potion have unique scenes, the other two are just feeding her food items. There will be more, ontop of convo/hearts level triggered scenes, but for the moment thats about it.

@DreadRoach Always good to hear folk are having fun with this hehe. I know sometimes character creation can seem like a superfluous thing, but it means a lot to players being able to player who they want to, as it does me. Thank you so much for the detailed bug report, I’ll try and snap some of those out as soon as I can :smiling_face:

@Supercake Thank you! I look forward to cooking up more when I can ~


will kip’s weight/size be something the player will also be able to shame/motivate kip into losing again?
While temping kip to skip on diet and exercise with stuffing and feeding?


Well, that’s not in the immediate plans, but it’s not a bad idea. Perhaps I could do something like that

I may also end up with other exercise / weight conflict characters. I’ll have to see ~


I’d love to see that!
Weight gain is best when the struggle is real @ __@


Yaaasss, a game with arm flab descriptors and out of shape stuff? Sign me up