Interaction between characters, need ideas...

So i am planning an MMORPG and i have the core but i ran into an issue…
The Core:
The player stuffs her belly gaining benefits from it like if she is full she gains max hp buff and if the food item has an effect she gains it too like health regen etc… Most of the classes use this method to gain effects and buffs but i planned a feeder character that i dont really want to consume the food but to feed it to others.
The feeder: he/she uses abilities to feed their party members. I figured that a wheel menu with favourite food types could help to determine what you feed to the other player but what about the effects? The problem is, if you are in a raid party of 10, you need to feed a lot of people, gaining the same effect or even half of it would make it OP and i dont really want to add % becouse it will just complicate things even more and it would need huge amount of balancing.I need ideas.

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Couldn’t you just divide the effect by the amount of people in a party? So a party of 2 has the effects sliced in half, of four only gets a quarter, and of 10 only gains a tenth.

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You feed only one people at a time with one food item so dividing it would not make sense.
Actually i gave very few details…
The feeder have an ability to feed the other party member a food item. In the terms of gameplay as a feeder you would want to feed the team as many times as possible so it means a lot of food item and interaction to keep the pace faster. There would be a fullness level to every player that the feeder could override to the point of overfed status.
If the feeder would not use a specific food item it would help solve the buff problem but the whole loot table is full of food items for the other characters to consume.