Interest Check: Monsterhearts with Weight Gain hack

Well, given how my entire skin’s make-up is about hiding and revealing to people his serpentine lineage, I’m gonna go with a no on the ‘common knowledge’ thing.

The head of Aszar’s family is his grandfather, a man named ‘Ashra’. Even though his family is losing their monetary wealth, the man still wields a wealth of connections, and is known for a bit of a ruthless streak. The primary reason Aszar fears his grandfather would be that any friends he might make in his attempt to push away from his family could be in jeopardy of disappearing, as some may have in the past. Looking at the Candidates, Aszar would likely be more for studying Cassie over anyone else, as they seem the most integrated. Studying broody loners wouldn’t help him get in as part of a nest after all.

So I’ll take the two strings on Cassie if it’s okay with them, and have Ashra have two strings on me.

Oh! And what are the game rules on:
-Player Killing
-Vore Scenarios
-Playing out Sex scenes
(Just for Clarity, so I know what we’re getting into)

Of course Cassie would know how Amanda died… she’s the one who did it. MWAHAHAHA! (She wouldn’t actually have done it, just the implication is kind of funny to think about.)

Also, I think I am going to go with Cassie stalking Aszar, though. Since he’s trying to blend in and pretend to be human she probably smells something off about him and wants to know why.

No saving required! Buuuuttt.... to get that string, she has to have done [i]some[/i] kind of favor for Chloe, to create a debt. If Amanda is completely antagonistic, it doesn't work :/

Well maybe she could help her by teaching her about everything that’s going on in the town, and basically be her personal spy, if that’s okay with you?

Having taught her about the town and getting her up to speed on local events sounds like a great idea. Will make Chloe act pretty friendly towards Amanda to start (which can be abused by Amanda, if she’s feeling antagonistic), and is a good debt.

So that’s one string for Amanda (Personman)

One string for Aszar (Nuumi) - pending approval

One string on Vanessa (adesin), and two strings for Vanessa, one being a sympathetic token from Vanessa’s starting stuff and one from debt.

Im think it would make sense for Azur to be the one who spoted Vannessa rumaging through peoples stuff as he’s the one whos probably paying the most atention to people around him.

I’m fine with those connections to Vanessa and Cassie, he is curious snek, boopin’ his snoot in the business :stuck_out_tongue:

What about with Chloe? Either way is fine, will figure out someone else to owe a debt to if snek does not like rock n’ roll :p.

Wait, I’m getting mixed up, are you not Cassie? You’re Chloe? xD I need to take a notes sheet for this, yeah, I meant your string Pirate :stuck_out_tongue:

So I'll take the two strings on Cassie if it's okay with them,
So if you mean Chloe there as well, I'm good with that! I think that finishes up strings for me, currently it's:

Amanda (Personman) - One debt string

Aszar (Nuumi) - One debt string, two from studying, makes Aszar have THREE strings on Chole. Pls be nice snek :stuck_out_tongue:

Vanessa (adesin) - One debt string and one sympathetic token of her own, for two strings. Chloe also has one string on her, from saving.

How is everyone else doing? We still have all six people interested in playing?

I’m good I just need one more sympathetic token. Maybe she would have grabbed one from Azzur as he spotted her and she might want insurance against him.

I’m ready…

[quote=“Nuumi, post:41, topic:916”]What are the game rules on:
-Player Killing
-Vore Scenarios
-Playing out Sex scenes
(Just for Clarity, so I know what we’re getting into)[/quote]
-We haven’t gotten into this yet, but player characters will be pretty resistant to permadeath. It’s also pretty hard to actually kill another player without them nearly killing you. Go for it if that what you’d like to do, but don’t get miffed OOC and if you feel like someone’s picking on you let us know so they can cool it a little.
-For the most part, I don’t see how you’d ACCOMPLISH a vore scene? People are generally bigger than mouths. If you think you’ve got a way, though, go for it I guess?
-We’ll discuss that in the next thread; it depends mostly on player preference & the forum rules.

Alright, you lot. Check in at the new thread in the TTRPG forum!