I am called Snirtje. I’ve been a long-time lurker as well as someone who could be arguably called “invested in the feederism community” for a disconcertingly long period of time. I think it would be unreasonable not to talk to the fine folks of this forum, so…
I’ve dabbled in various things. Writing. Drawing. Audio work. None of them are available for the public due to insecurities. Now, however, I hope to step back into the limelight and revive decaying skills.
More than anything else, I just like the fact that forums are still a thing, and I would like to be a part of them as I was when I was younger.
I hope to enjoy fruitful conversation with like-minded people.
I’m not as active on the forum as I’d like to be, but just know that I appreciate your mindset!
Even if your work isn’t what you feel it should be, your passion will shine through in the end! It is, and always will be, an incredibly daunting task to put yourself out there. lots of trial and error, ‘embarrassing’ mistakes, this stuff never ends, but after each attempt, regardless of success, you will grow as person and so to will your skills and passion!
So, thank you for your introduction, haha. it just inspired me a bit
These words resonate with me deeply. I’ve got a better understand of what to expect from projects like these now, and so these words have sobered my expectations a bit.