It Came From Lantrum! Stuffing/ Vore Focused RPG Maker Game

It’s Just me or The character Shadowheart from Baldur’s Gate 3 kinda reminds Clara in visual? Idk Maybe it’s because both have Green eyes and strange hair, does anybody feels that too?

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I’m don’t know if i’m Just crazy or it’s really kinda similar, i will show this picture to ilustrate what i mean.


I see it, and i hate that I cant draw it to bring it to fruition. constantly praising shar while simultaneously stuffing her face with sweets, breaking whatever tenants shar probably has against such things.


GOTY 2023 Baldur’s Gate III copied a fetish game made by a couple of dudes confirmed???

This is honestly kinda hilarious. To think that one of the developers of BG3 played Some Bullshit and simped for Clara so hard they made her a character in a title as big as BG3, as incredibly unlikely as it is, is now a headcanon of mine i will forever believe


Hahahahhahaha, Yes very hilarious, i agree with you

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Hello everyone,

Hope time has treated you well, wanted to give a quick update on the game, though I should probably say lack of update. Due to my schedule and general work ethic, I’ve taken a bit of a hiatus on It Came From Lantrum. I do want to work on it more, but every time I think of RPG Maker I start to shudder, and as the entire thing is made in RPG Maker, that’s an issue! Turns out, I was a little more burnt out than I first thought when I started up this project. I do want to highlight, there has been some progress made, it wasn’t just sitting there since July of last year. Clinko and Desayn both made a ton of assets, but my will to make maps, write all the dialogue, and put it all together into a nice package has not been there after travel and real life work. That is on me!

I’m not dropping it as I still have a lot of ideas I want to do for the game and I am not disappearing, I’ve simply switched to writing which is a lot easier for me to do at this time. The stories are in my mind chapters/ side quests that if I had unlimited time I would have made for the game. They have all the same characters and even better, Clinko drawn art. I have written two stories, with one self contained and the other split into two parts. They are quite long, each section being 40-50 pages roughly. If you have the time to read them, I would love your feedback

Symphony of The Emmie → A spooky themed story!

To Catch an Emmie → A freaky themed story!

If you need a Clara or Emmie fix, take a look and let me know what you think. I apologize for the format on DeviantArt, uploading PDFs means mobile users can’t use it without downloading (which many don’t want to do, myself included).

I hope you enjoy and I also hope to have more updates coming on It Came From Lantrum soon. And please, while I do appreciate people waiting, I don’t need people to tell me it’s okay to take my time or focus on myself. I’m a big boy, I’m capable of working out what I want to do. I am not trying to fish for sympathy!


Your story’s are amazing Nerds!
Please take all the time you need to work on the game.
Either way, your story’s are the perfect substitute in the meantime and are incredible reads.
Honestly had no problems reading them on DA, even on mobile.

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Yes! Some new(er) news on It Came From Lantrum! Love your work, looking forward to reading/playing.

The stories are excellent, and the fact that you do all this for free and on your own time is more than enough! I’m looking forward to seeing what comes next.

(Also, blink twice if the Gemuse are in fact telepathically inducing RPG Maker burnout in a desperate bid to prevent you from sending more of their kind into Clara’s tummy)


If you would like help with assets or maps please don’t hesitate to ask!!

I’ve read the DeviantArt stories, they’re really great. Thanks for keeping us fed with great content, Nerds!

Frankly, I wouldn’t mind if the game were dropped in favor of written stories accompanied by art. These games are obviously not being made for profit, the creators are not obligated to make it, and their audience are not entitled to receiving it.
They should choose to create in the way they feel their best doing.

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I believe this pug is an accurate representation of Clara’s perpetual inner conflict.


I’m obviously all for the creators focusing on art that they most enjoy making, but I’d personally be a bit sad if a game with this much potential got dropped

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Just finished reading the stories, and GOD DAMN they were great. Hilarious writing that also contains incredible amounts of LOOOOOORREEEEEE and, of course, the BELLY moments. With the way these stories are written, i will just assume these are canon, and would recommend everyone who played some bullshit to read these stories not just because they’re really good (they are) but also because a lot of interesting things happen here (winks in Clara’s general direction). Edit: Also LOVE the Zyntris content. When playing the game, i had a feeling she was going to be seen again sometime in the future, and these stories are great at exploring her personality and relationship with the other characters. Also insights on Emmie thanks to unconventional means, so it’s a win-win!
Also damn man i consider myself a fast reader and this was like 5 hours of readtime you could write a book trilogy with your ideas! No joking, this is some good and fun writing.
I wish the best on you and the rest of the team, take your time with the game. I am tempered by the unending wait for Silksong, so i won’t mind!


The moment the diet loses its grip…is there anything sweeter?

It is pretty relieving, that is until the post weight gain clarity hits, it all goes downhill from there. For Clara that is, not for us.


Honestly, the fact we are even getting another game so soon after the first one is a miracle out of itself, hopefully you can find balance between the things in your life and get over your burnout so you can go back to finish this update for this incredible game.

Also, the stories were amazing! Really loved the second one in particular, they are just as good as a game update! (for me at least). You are really good at describing scenarios and situations, i could clearly visualize the ??? pie XD, wish we could get more of these as soon as possible but i don’t want to add even more stuff to your already big workload, so take it easy.

Best of luck to you and your team!


Repeatedly slams a metal drum

Clara fans! Nerds has served you a vore flavored appetizer! Get it while it’s still hot!

Interrogation Time by Nerds1 (

And check out the comic flavored version drawn by Clinko on either of these sites!

clara’s bad day 1 by clinkoclinko on DeviantArt


Heh, even from someone generally disturbed by such content this is honestly enjoyable. Always fun to see more antics from these gluttons, thanks for sharing mate.

I know Canonically she’s fairly ‘chonky’ as it were, but even considering her rigorous exercise it’s still surprising Clara isn’t as wide as when she was labled ‘The Destroyer’. Well, before she was abducted of course, personally wonder if her time fighting the Gemuse will have a longerr-lasting impact on her waistline.

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