Will there be any sort of age or aging system in the game? I can’t say that I would like or dislike something like that, I just thought it was an interesting idea. Of course, it would come after the game is actually, you know… put together. Note that I have not thoroughly looked at all of the Q and As on the Tainted Elysium main website, but I skimmed them and didn’t see anything about this.
Anyway, this isn’t a request, just simple curiosity.
[quote=“thebossman, post:1, topic:1089”]Will there be any sort of age or aging system in the game? I can’t say that I would like or dislike something like that, I just thought it was an interesting idea. Of course, it would come after the game is actually, you know… put together. Note that I have not thoroughly looked at all of the Q and As on the Tainted Elysium main website, but I skimmed them and didn’t see anything about this.
Anyway, this isn’t a request, just simple curiosity.[/quote]
As per usual, if you don’t get a response here, try asking directly on Atticus’ site. Not sure how often he checks this.
Sorry for the late response. I’ve been kind of out of it as of late and I have a bit to catch up on. Turns out messages from this site have been going in my spam inbox for some reason so I just thought people stopped asking things here.
But yeah, as Kilif said, if you experience a long wait time for a response, I check my own website and email more often.
Now, as to your question: There actually is a sort of “age” system I have setup in the background of the game. The two main factors of this are chronological age and biological age.
The chronological age is how old one is in actual time, for example, an 18 year old. Biological age will be how old they given entity looks. One could have a chronological age of 400 years but look 16, or one can be 18 and look 50.
All in all it won’t really determine much outside of how youthful a character appears and influencing skin texture and the like, but it’ll be in in some form.