Juxtaterrestrial's Total Belly Conversion Mod Devblog (v1-1-0 and earlier)

Quick update. Got barbell arm curls pretty much finished. And then I added two new game options - a multiplier for tiredness gain, and a multiplier for calorie burn. But now with that done the other exercises should be quick to do. plan to get at least one that hits ever muscle group i have listed. You wont be able to live out your fantasy of super detailed workout simulator, but it should be enough to work with.

So basically how it works is there is three thresholds - easy, medium, and hard. If the weight is greater than 80% of your given strength then all the calories burned go to building muscle. If it’s between 60 and 80 then around a third goes to muscle gain, and the rest goes to just general calories burned. And if it’s below that no muscle is built and it all goes right to generic calorie burn. So ideally you want to actively select the weights that are hard for you to lift to build muscle.

Later on lifting light weights should help improve endurance. but that is not in yet.

But like i said, the other exercises should come quick. I can use the code I’ve already done and just iterate.

I do have something i want to do for running though, and thats having a screen where you select the duration and intensity of the run rather than just assuming 1 long run. And then have it play out in phases to give feedback based on choices.

And then after running i need to implement movement penalties (and calorie burn) for moving around the map.

I might add a few foods after that. An energy drink, maybe a sports drink, and like .protein powder shakes?

A stretch goal beyond that is adding calorie burn to the stripping event, but that’s just a stub anyway. Once i finish all that v1-1-0 will be ready to release. I’m aiming for an April first release date for patrons(may 1st for public release). Then after that i will move onto giving proxies some personality.


First release looks promising, i had a little trouble navigating around since i was met with so many new names of places but it proofs promising. Excited to see the v1.1.0, from what i’m reading it will be a good update. I’ll let my patreon linger in the background. Good luck to you!

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I’m planning to have more frequent and smaller updates. Planning anyway. Thanks for joining!

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Yeah, as i said some days ago i know how tedious it can be working with this game, let alone code new stuff for it. Keep it chill. If there’s one thing this forum has teached me it is to have patience with projects.

Today I added the bench press.


how do i download/install this mod

The mod is currently only out for patrons: Total Conversion Belly Mod initial release (v1-0-0 publically available now as of 4/1/21!) - #6 by Juxtaterrestrial

But to install you copy the mod’s gamedata folder into the base game’s main folder (the one that holds the game data folder). Overwrite all file conflicts

I’ve been slow at working on the new muscle stuff. Just had my schedule disrupted. But i plan on having v1-1-0 ready for release on patreon on April 1st. Maybe the 2nd so that people don’t think it’s a joke update.

But anyway I’ve been thinking about how I want to proceed with the next update after that.

So if you’ve been keeping up, with my plans you know that I plan on making a number of skills that you the player see as an internal dialogue.

This is going to be a lot like Disco Elysium. The skills will add relevant observations to conversations. When I add NPCs, they will dictate what additional conversation pathways are available. And then I also plan on having skill checks to be made in the world to unlock content. These will also function like Disco Elysium. it will be a roll of 2d6 + your skill modifier (0-10) + any circumstance modifiers. Failing a roll will lock the check, until you put another point in the skill (so you are incentivized to hang on to skill points).

But the thing I’m been trying to figure out is how do you gain XP or skill points? I want to avoid the spam click to level up type gameplay as much as I can.

The answer I came up with is also inspired by Disco Elysium. The game has a feature called The Thought Cabinet. It’s an inventory for thoughts - the kind that get stuck in your head, like finger guns being a cool thing to do in conversation, or an obsession with a conversational topic. In the game experiences you have unlock thoughts. Then you spend time thinking about them, king of like spending a whole day trying to remember that word. And then once you finishing thinking about it you get a bonus or malus of some kind.

And that was my answer.

What I want to do is have each proxy level up through experiences and internalization of those experiences.

So let me spell out how I see it working. You find your way into an eating contest or something. You eat a lot. You win. and the memory of that moment lingers.

You then prod the proxy’s mind to keep thinking of that event. So over time as you over eat or see other people eat it advances a progress bar. Once that is complete the experience becomes a part of the proxy. It puts a skill point in the stuffing fetish, unlocking it (and the nagging voice that comes with it). It also gives you a few additional skill points to spend (which you can use to up stuffing or other non fetish skills.)

It struck me as a solution to a lot of issues i was having.

  • It rewards exploration. Exploring gives you these new experiences.
  • It provides an organic way to give proxies new fetishes. Exposure and detailed thought leading to the development of a new fetish.
  • It provides me a good way to justify the player choice between who they want to fetishize - does the proxy want to get fat? Or do they want to see other fat people? Previously i was thinking of separating self and other people fetishes but it always felt clunky and crowded. The experiences will act as modifiers, making sure that the fatten other people thoughts only happen if you have the relevant experience. or players can choose both! Further more, when i implement fetish, having these skills and experiences really make it easier to know what a partner wants to do.
  • oh god it should make balancing level ups so much easier. i will be able to tell exactly how many points a player can get.

So that’s where my mind is. Distracted but inspired at the same time.


One of the things I’ve been putting off is a weight selector for weight lifting.

Got the proof of concept working tonight.


Honestly i spent the last week or more just intimidated by implementing this. But it turned out really easy. But then again would it have been as easy if i hadn’t spent all that time thinking about it?

Will be super easy to add the remaining weights, and then it should be pretty quick from there to add exercises with it.


Tonight i completed the all the weight lifting I’m going to be adding. there are 4 weighted exercise and between them all all the muscles that i calculate are accounted for ( arms, chest, leg, butt, stomach, and back. thought only legs, arms, back and belly have strength values associated with them. ). The exercises I have are curls, bench press, squats, and a barbell situp.

The math at this point (for strength values and how muscle volume affects measurements) involves a lot of assumptions and creativity. So really there will be wonkyness with strength and measurements. My hope is that things are within the realm of physical possibility so other people can give me feedback that i can use to tweak my made up math.

the goals for release are to:

  • Add some body weight exercises ( like crunches and pushups) to address if a proxy is to weak to weight lift. or just for flavor.
  • Add a customizable running event
  • Use all this mobility stuff to create a working mobility penalty for fat proxies wandering around
  • And add a few more foods. Like protein shakes and stuff.

I might cut back if my productivity continues to. the running stuff could be pushed to a future endurance update. So could the body weight exercises. But bare minimum i need to get the mobility checks in before release. That’s what this is all for lol.

I’ve got 10 days. i think i can make it. i really want to make it because i don’t want to think about muscles anymore.


Tonight I got the mobility calculations in place. And then I altered the calculations for the weighted exercises to match the tiredness gains from the new mobility calculations.

I may make them more difficulty in the future. In fact i definitely plan on re visiting the numbers for tiredness gained during weight listing before launch, but it’s all working at the moment.

I also fixed a couple bugs with the measurements. Waist and hips measurements should now make sense.

I made an energy drink as well, though right this second you can’t get it in game. I plan on adding a vending machine, and a 4 pack you can buy at the grocery story.

As i mentioned above, my goals for release are now body exercises, and a running event. 9 days left. i think i can manage.

I should also be clear that i think the next update wont be the month after v1-1-0 drops. If i can manage to get the basic feature i have in mind I’ll definitely try to have a patreon update out on may 1st, but no promises.


I’ve decided I’m not going to do the running event for this update. As i was planning it, the whole endurance issue came up. I don’t know how i want to handle it, but i definitely need it to do a running event that builds on what I’ve already made with the weight gain/loss and muscle stuff.

My goal for the running event is to have you enter a setting sort of event where you select the run intensity and other things and then the game summarizes. I’d have some number of phases and it would give a little detail of how well you managed it. With low stats you might do well for the first phase, then struggle in the second and like limp the rest of the way, where as with training you’d get better. And that’s a lot more than the scope I had in mind.

I don’t know if i will have time to work on much else for the update(a couple birthdays and other events interfering with. But at the very least i have muscles in, mobility penalties, ways to gain and lose muscles, new fat neutral body descriptions, and a few new items.

Seems like a decent update for a month’s work even with the last minute cuts. I imagine some of this will be wonky. But it will be a learning experience lol

Next update should be out for patron on 4/1/21 (not a joke. This is serious). And the launch version will be available to everyone on the same date.


I’m testing v1-1-0 for release to patrons. Further dev updates will be done here so as to keep the discussion distinct from the ramblings i used to create the initial launch: Juxtaterrestrial's Total Conversion Belly Mod devblog v1-2-0 and later

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