Looking for a 3d or 2d artist to work with on a new game

Hi, I’m looking for a 3d/2d artist to work with me and do the renders for a new game I’m working on, I’m sorting all the writing and programming but unfortunately don’t have the hardware to render scenes well or quickly.

anyway I won’t give too much away i have two fully fledged ideas & dialogue ready for both my game ideas, these are some small snippets, the first:

the first game is a weight gain novel where the main character is hired into a corporation that is on the verge of bankruptcy and trying to find a way out, they scheme a plan that at first looks to be trying to tackle a common issue with the human body but instead is secretly causing there customers to become addicted and purchase more food for the companies benefit.

The second game, (a bit more techy) is a management/visual novel weight gain game where the MC inherits a renowned Ex-strip club from a late distant family member, with this newfound business, the MC can finally unleash their plan to run the biggest Strip club in the city!

You may recognize my previous game which never came to fruition (Tasty Towers) due to my hard drive corrupting and i lost all my work, however, I have learned much more with coding and writing so I plan to return with a much larger scale game!

If you are interested let me know, also if your not a artist but are interested in helping with ideas I have a discord server setup where I plan to further the development of my ideas and game!


Hey! I might have the skills to help you in your videogame. Let’s discuss this in DMs shall we?