Looking for a Composer to help with Week 2 of Buffet Night Burstin'

Hello, I am the Leader of Buffet Night Burstin’ and I am looking for a Composer to help with the music production of my mod Buffet Night Burstin’ for Friday Night Funkin’

The facts of what the week will be about is a secret so I can’t say much else but I am planning on doing a Minus week remix as well and could use help with that too.

We got a composer by the name of SwellReads, so you’d be working and planning stuff out with them. At the moment I’m only looking for 1 composer. If you’re interested, you can DM me on twitter or Message me directly here (I think we can do that?) and we can decide whether or not you’re a good fit for the team (some examples of music might help too lol)

Twitter: https://twitter.com/KinkCollector