I was consolidating my Games folders together, cleaning them up and doing some sorting and labeling, when I realized I’m missing a game that I have very distinct memories of.
It was an RPG Maker game from years ago, that had been heavily modified to feature weight gain, stuffing, and vore. It started out in a rural town, where the protagonist/first character was a gluttonous red-headed thief. There were quite a few things that could be done around town, including fattening one of your female neighbors up to the point where she no longer fit inside her own house. The combat was fairly basic RPG-M fare, with you ‘learning’ that you can vore monsters just outside of town in a series of caves that were overrun with slimes and giant wasps, and nearly all of your ‘skills’ being variations of ‘vore,’ ‘digest,’ belch,’ and ‘body slam.’
There were at least two other companions you could recruit that I can recall, which filled other class archetypes beyond your starter thief (warrior and mage, I think), and I seem to remember the version I played ending somewhere around a candy factory, one or two areas past the starter location.
What was so memorable was that this game featured fully dynamic sprites. All of your characters would shift through several phases of vore belly and obesity as they consumed food/monsters and stockpiled fat. I wouldn’t go so far as to say it was the first game to do something like this, but I do remember having never seen another game with that sort of feature before when I first played it. The sprites were also larger and more detailed than normal RPG Maker ones: I’m pretty sure I remember the dev having to do a lot of reworking to get that to function.
I thumbed through about a hundred threads on this site trying to find a clue on my own before posting this, sorting by the vore and rpg-maker tags. But unfortunately, I could not find a name or reference to it. If anyone could remember a name, or even provide a link to a download, I would appreciate it. I’m about… 60% certain I originally downloaded it from this site. But I could just be gaslighting myself, it’s hard to tell.
Since I’m a believer in take-a-penny leave-a-penny, here’s a fun thing in forward repayment for the help. Most people know about Roy’s Boundless game, and where to find the modded devbuild to play it.
However, the (VERY) short beginnings of an adventure-style game he was making, set in the Leupai universe, is a much rarer find.
That’s Spiteful Fatty. Only visible thanks to the Wayback Machine, and who knows for how much longer. It’s not very long, or very deep, but it’s a decent fifteen minute distraction of erotic stuffing literature.
Thanks again for listening to my rambling nonsense. If someone could prove I’m not insane by also remembering this game, I would appreciate it.