Looking for an older RPG Maker vore/stuffing game about a red-headed thief

I was consolidating my Games folders together, cleaning them up and doing some sorting and labeling, when I realized I’m missing a game that I have very distinct memories of.

It was an RPG Maker game from years ago, that had been heavily modified to feature weight gain, stuffing, and vore. It started out in a rural town, where the protagonist/first character was a gluttonous red-headed thief. There were quite a few things that could be done around town, including fattening one of your female neighbors up to the point where she no longer fit inside her own house. The combat was fairly basic RPG-M fare, with you ‘learning’ that you can vore monsters just outside of town in a series of caves that were overrun with slimes and giant wasps, and nearly all of your ‘skills’ being variations of ‘vore,’ ‘digest,’ belch,’ and ‘body slam.’

There were at least two other companions you could recruit that I can recall, which filled other class archetypes beyond your starter thief (warrior and mage, I think), and I seem to remember the version I played ending somewhere around a candy factory, one or two areas past the starter location.

What was so memorable was that this game featured fully dynamic sprites. All of your characters would shift through several phases of vore belly and obesity as they consumed food/monsters and stockpiled fat. I wouldn’t go so far as to say it was the first game to do something like this, but I do remember having never seen another game with that sort of feature before when I first played it. The sprites were also larger and more detailed than normal RPG Maker ones: I’m pretty sure I remember the dev having to do a lot of reworking to get that to function.

I thumbed through about a hundred threads on this site trying to find a clue on my own before posting this, sorting by the vore and rpg-maker tags. But unfortunately, I could not find a name or reference to it. If anyone could remember a name, or even provide a link to a download, I would appreciate it. I’m about… 60% certain I originally downloaded it from this site. But I could just be gaslighting myself, it’s hard to tell.

Since I’m a believer in take-a-penny leave-a-penny, here’s a fun thing in forward repayment for the help. Most people know about Roy’s Boundless game, and where to find the modded devbuild to play it.

However, the (VERY) short beginnings of an adventure-style game he was making, set in the Leupai universe, is a much rarer find.


That’s Spiteful Fatty. Only visible thanks to the Wayback Machine, and who knows for how much longer. It’s not very long, or very deep, but it’s a decent fifteen minute distraction of erotic stuffing literature.

Thanks again for listening to my rambling nonsense. If someone could prove I’m not insane by also remembering this game, I would appreciate it.

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Sounds a lot like Gumia’s Unbelted Terror by Grimimic

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As mentioned above, Gumia’s Unbelted Terror (formerly the unnamed Stuffing RPG) is almost certainly the game you’re looking for - it’s just that the vore elements aren’t quite as strong as you’re remembering them to be. In fact, it’s not even tagged in the current or old threads, which might explain the difficulty in finding it.

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Thank you both gentlemen, that was indeed the sauce. I’m not surprised I missed it now; not only is it lacking the vore tag (which is the one I searched, because I figured “weight gain” wouldn’t be very fruitful here), but the name has been changed. It was still the UnnamedStuffingRPG when I played it, and while I didn’t remember it’s exact name, some title to that effect was what I was looking for.

I had no idea that the original creator had come back and begun working on the project again, or that he had renamed it. I wouldn’t have associated GUTs/Gumia’s Unbelted Terror with those memories, so I might have even scrolled past it while searching.

A surprise to be sure, that the project isn’t long dead. But a welcome one.

Thank you both, I appreciate the help.

I hate to be a bother, but does a mirror of Gumia exist somewhere? The file is just slightly too large for itch to be happy with it, and it does the thing where it keeps crashing out and failing to download. Then the download token expires, so even spamming retry to complete it doesn’t work.

Is there a Mega link somewhere, or a mirror host? Normally I’d ask for something like this in the thread, but I’d rather not necro a year old thread just to ask if somebody has a mirror.

And no, I would rather not download itch’s knockoff steam client, which is what the Q&A of itch suggests for such cases. I prefer to manage my game files myself.

Why they use javascript pop ups for the downloads, I do not know. It makes it essentially impossible for third party downloading software like JDownloader to pull a valid link. Even viewing the webpage source doesn’t give anything useful to latch on to.

This should be the up-to-date itch version, although I’ll probably delete the link in a week or so just so someone doesn’t stumble on it in a year or two and grab a potentially outdated version. I also don’t really think Grimimic would mind the thread being bumped now and then, either. Progress isn’t rapid but the game is still being developed, and if you’re interested, in-progress builds are uploaded on the patreon page semi-frequently for subscribers, including a new one earlier this week.

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I’m really appreciative of that mirror, thank you for posting it. I’m a poor starving artist, so my ability to support other poor starving artists is severely limited, but it’s great to know a project I assumed to be very dead is still actively being updated.

Thanks again for your help, I appreciate it.

I havn’t checked weightgaming in a couple weeks. Usually I try to answer faster than this.

I never considered putting the vore tag on my game. I’m not super into vore, but I guess I always thought of vore being more of a humanoid prey thing rather than a slime or cupecake robot.

Also I’m bad at advertising, but yeah I’ve never stopped working on the game.

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I suppose it’s something of a middle ground. That irony exists in several fetish genres: people who like X probably wouldn’t consider [THING] to be X, because to them it doesn’t have nearly enough of it. Meanwhile, anybody who doesn’t like it would IMMEDIATELY label it X, because any amount of it exists.

I’d personally consider a dedicated monster eating mechanic to qualify for vore, but to be perfectly fair to you, it’s only come up with slimes and living food (at least so far). I don’t think you have to add the tag. But when I remembered the game and was trying to find it, the nonconsensual vore game over scene with the boss at the end of the starter cave, where it force-feeds itself to you if you lose, stuck out in my mind.

Are slimes people? Is unwilling pred/willing prey still vore if it’s a mutant candy monster? Will somebody eventually eat something even weirder, like ghosts or water golems? Will it be vore then? The world may never know.

But I am glad to know you never stopped working on your game. I remember it from back in the day, and I’m happy to see how much more has been added on. There’s a plot now! And it has a name! I made it all the way to the pirate ship in a few days of casual play, and I’m looking forward to the next update.

Thanks for making the game, and thanks even more for being a cool enough dude to let other people copy your RPGmaker homework for custom sprites. There are several games around that I don’t think would exist if you hadn’t done that.