Looking for skilled photoshop artist to help with 2D game

I am looking for someone who is skilled in photoshop/photo manipulation to help me create a 2D mix-and-match game. The name of the game is Belly Builder, and it will work similar to PortraitPad but be focused on belly customization instead of face customization. Instead of varying head shapes and facial features to choose from, players can select from various belly shapes and sizes, along with customizable features like love handles, stretch marks, cellulite bumps, happy trails, overhangs, different belly button shapes, and more. I envision the images/layers to be black-and-white and photorealistic, akin to PortraitPad. I currently have $300 set aside for this project, but if you feel that is too low, I would be willing to negotiate. Please message me with samples of your work if you are interested. Thanks in advance.

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