LOOP GAROU (Gain Jam 2024)

Thank you very much.

The art in this game is amazing solving the of what food to give to people but the game is a bit to short I wish there were more rounds and parts to this idea but I do understand that this game had to be done in a week.

The art, UI, mechanics in this game are amazing! So much detail for so many things it’s absolutely mind-blowing. Was pretty blown away while trying out the game.

Great submission and amazing work. Also a fan of the gator :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :+1:

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Loved this game, very excited to see what comes in later versions! I gotta say, the character art/puzzles are fantastic, but I was blown away by all the scenery. Absolutely gorgeous spritework on display in every room. The whole aesthetic is phenomenal as well, all the attention to detail from the various pieces of each outfit to the fonts to the decorative pieces around all the UI elements, I think this was definitely the most visually impressive entry this year.


The gameplay is solid, I appreciate how I was not held by the hand and had to figure out how to please every character by paying attention to their dialogues and reactions; to be and play as a detective.

It would be nice to have more interactions with the environment, like inspecting objects or looking at paintings, because I completely missed that searching drawers was part of the gameplay my first time.

Lovely music, pleasing to the ears. I have found myself having them run in the background at times.

The characters are good, from their sprites to their personality. Also, I swear, this cat lass is going to be the death of me; it is hard to admit but never have I simped so hard for a game character. An alluring aristocat if that wasn’t enough!