Love is the Way to My Heart - CLOSED

Alright, here it is. Every single document we had regarding how we intended to implement code, planning out the story arcs and more than a few scripted sequences for each character written out by our writers. Here’s hoping that people can make use of it and, if nothing else, learn from our failure.

LITWTMH Project Docs


A lot of these drafts are pretty good!

’ In time, you will know the tragic extent of myour failings…’

Is this project canceled because if it is I’ll gladly take lead


But first i need to know if it’s canceled or not

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This project has so much potential and I’d like to develop it into an actual thing if its truly canceled.
If it is canceled here’s what i was thinking I can do all the writing on my own and maybe some proofreading help (except for any coding which I’ll require help) and art (although not necessary)

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It’s cancelled 100% from what I’m aware of


The original dev is no longer working on it, closed down the discord, restructured the patreon to be focused on stories and cancelled it. If anyone is working on it, which so far no one had any plans or stated as such, they would be working on it the same way you would. Taking over a cancelled project that was given out to the public.

So am I allowed to take lead on the development? or did they not give permission for anyone else to take over

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Not a question I would be able to answer. I would guess from the other comments that were said that MODOK would be fine with it, but probably reaching out to them on discord about it would be better than someone trying to answer that.

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